Is it a friend?

  • BeautifulxMess
    18 years ago

    When a friend accuses you of breaking them up from there bf/gf.....and you didn't do ANYTHING are they a real friend?

  • emmerz
    18 years ago

    i dont think it is a true friendship, cuz even tho real friendship has its ups and downs, that is just too far down lol. but no one can accuse anybody of their OWN mistakes or problems that has nothing to do with others. i think that she/he is probably looking for someone else to blame cuz they dont want to blame theirselves. if this is actually your question or if youre just curious..either way, i'd say you give this friendship some space for a bit

  • xxmichaelxx
    18 years ago

    my friends told me to break up with this guy and i didn't then the guy broke up with i should have listened to's a good friend and a bad for me......idk y....

  • Gem
    18 years ago

    I don't think so cos if there were a real friend, they would believe you and trust you...
    Meh, friendship is a tricky business, well in my opinion it is, lol.

  • TeAr dROp
    18 years ago

    lady i dont think so

  • Jen
    18 years ago

    Well i think that it could go either way really in situations,
    but i think in urs it wasnt ur fault you were just a friend who was there for her/him and they have decided to throw it back in your face which isnt nice, but they are going through a bad time if they were the dumpee they will be looking to find anyone to blame and they may think they can blame you because you are a friend and will accept it.
    Then agen they could actually think it is your fault, best thing to do would be to steer clear of the subject if you can till he/she gets over it.
    but NO ONE should accuse you for their problems that are caused by their own mistakes thats just wrong and you shouldnt have to accept it!

    in my opinion they arent a real friend if they do that but then agen thats me cos its happened to me before and to be quite honest its not a nice thing to have to go through esp if other friends join in.

    i may not have been much help but i said my piece.


  • BrokenREALiTy
    18 years ago

    No .
    This girl, i think she considers us friends .
    Well her byofriend seys he likes me . And he`s about to berak up wit her . If she finds out he seyd that, and that he`s trying proving to me that he likes me, there`s a chance she`s gonna blame it on me . but idk .
    last year, my friend got dumped because her boyfriend fell for me . she blamed everything on me and i was the bad person . -.-;; she talked so much smack, i ended up slapping her and making her cry . those kind of peoples arent yur real friends , lovee`.

    18 years ago

    well maybe youre friend is just mad, but who cares, dont deal with the drama. if she wants you as a friend then she'll stop talkin crap.