• Miss Pipp
    18 years ago

    Hun what happened this time?
    Pip xxx

  • Tropical_sea-monster
    18 years ago

    tisk tisk tisk matthew, dont sulk......
    Try being a happy hippo

  • Miss Pipp
    18 years ago

    your choice but i'm here if you need me

  • Miss Pipp
    18 years ago

    does it matter if he's met people from the site in person? he still has friends

  • ether
    18 years ago

    I'm not denying that, but why wonder if anyone on this site would care if he died, how would me know?

  • TeAr dROp
    18 years ago


  • TeAr dROp
    18 years ago

    what your going to die??? then let me tell you dont die for something gay!!!

  • Georgi
    18 years ago


  • Purple
    18 years ago

    Jess aren't internet friendships still important?

    How they'd know wasn't an issue, if they'd care was....

    I have a friend I know strictly from yahoo instant massager, I've known him for about three years, and I'd rather keep him and loose all my other friends then loose him. What do friends do anyway? Comfort you, entertain you, help you, and get the same back increasing your want to spend time with them, be it physically or by sharing thoughts. Words effect how you think, friends online hold the power of words over you, they can really effect the way you think, and can persuade you into doing things you never would otherwise.

    I hope you'd care if I died, but if you really want to consider me just a another faceless person out in the cyber world, go ahead, I'll continue viewing you as a friend, some one I like as a person, I'll simply ignore that one straight-sighted philosophy.

    I repeat HOW THEY'D KNOW WASN'T THE ISSUE, if they'd care was.

  • Natalie
    18 years ago

    especially for you jess, tropical, and nat. i dont kow you anymore. im sorry. thats for hating me.

    ^^That pissed me off.

    For starters Matt, You never 'knew' me to begin with. & Hating you? It's a pretty strong word "hate" ya' know? & This is the internet. I don't think it's even possible for someone to have such hate for another. :]

  • Natalie
    18 years ago

    Oh.... and faking that you died just to see if anyone on the INTERNET would care is pretty stupid.

    & Even though I've made heaps of friends on this site, and I'd care if something horrible happened to them... It's still the INTERNET.

    Playing dead isn't a great way of finding out if people care. Why not just ask? Cause now... The friends who you DID make, are all obviously disgusted that you would lead them on to believe that you died. No one wants friends who lie. So now... you've basically got no one. Because you lied.

    That's just my two cents. :]

  • MischieviousMya
    18 years ago

    seriously.........what ever happened to that Matt guy...........? lol