my 'friend'

  • Tine
    18 years ago

    Have you already tried asking her, straight in the face, what went wrong?


  • Jen
    18 years ago

    You should question her about why all of a sudden she has decided to dramatically change her opinion on things she cares about and why she seems to be shadowing her true self from the guy you made friends with.
    or could she be tryin to make you look stupid and belittle you because she thinks thats what will make him interested in her, you know like its a competition between you?
    because i have discovered this before.
    does she have feelings for this guy other than friendly ones?


  • Just Sierra
    18 years ago

    You're ten years old...

    Which means you're probably in like...the 5th grade.

    And during that time, as much as it may pain you, most kids ARE undergoing changes and altering their personality and their interests. Personally, I think 10 is a little young to be dating...but in society these days, where teenagers and adults stress relationships of their own, it's no wonder kids try to grow up quickly, too.

    My advice--take it slow. Relax. Enjoy life. Find another friend for awhile. Give her some space. She'll come back around and once the relationship she has with her boyfriend is over (which it will be)and she has no choice to revert back to her original state, let her know how bad it hurt you and how much it upset you. Maybe that'll make her think twice about how she treats you.

  • ashley
    18 years ago

    nice point!!you make friends and lose them as you get older talking from expreince......

  • xxmichaelxx
    18 years ago

    i'm FROM the philippines but i'm not IN the anyways, idk. some ppl just really change....i changed a lot too when i had a bf (now ex) but i mean....sometimes u get influenced and change then never come back to wat u used to be! like me....
    sad sad sad


  • Jen
    18 years ago

    i have got a few friends who i have seen change from boyfriends and attaching themselves to them, they tend to take what their boyfriend says as true and you as a liar so it is better to kinda distance yourself for a while and if arguements happen *even tho this wont be a developed relationship judging from your age* but i they do happen just stay out of it and just comfort them but making sure you say nothin on the matter that u cud get blamed for.
    but in the end they always come running back to thier friends cos as the saying goes "friends are always their yet partners come and go" well its there around abouts.

    however the dude is just a friend so i dont know how the board got onto this wave length lol, but she may have thoughts about getting with him and see you as the only threat that could stop her which means that she has to neglect you, however she could just be jealous of the closeness you and the lad have got and she feels pushed out maybe or wants to be the only one you both turn to for help instead of each other