Trying to join the Marines

  • Nicholas
    18 years ago

    a while back I was supposed to join the Marine Corps, but thing happened and I never did. But now the chance has arrived again. So I have to get rid of a few tattoos. Anyone got any ideas? Free removals, where to get cash for it, hom remedies, anything would help. Hit me up @:

  • Lovely Bones
    18 years ago

    Don't you have to go get laser surgery or something for it?
    Sorry I'm not of much help, but I'm just wondering, why is it when you join the marines or cadets, etc, that you have to remove tattoos and/or piercings?

  • Babyesha Naveed
    18 years ago

    God blesses..about you joining the marine corps... i admire marines :p...but anyway sorry i dont have much idea about tattoo removal,or where can you avail the free removal of tatoos......( i know somebody who has some tattoss on his skin..and the few,...he used something on it,like an acid solution or whatever.., but didn't result well) :(

  • Teria
    18 years ago


    Thank you, Nicholas!! :]