Jenni Marie
18 years ago
Okay, So I Had This friend. |
18 years ago
Some friend [loads of exclaimation marks but mine don't work] I know You shouldn't have to change Your number but if I was You that's what I would do, she obviously doesn't care about You or how this will effect your sister.. I say change ya number and cut her off completely. |
18 years ago
that is out of order the way she is acting, it is very childish if she had a problem she should address you in a much more maturer way thats what i think especially with her being nearly 18. she should grow up, but on the other hand have you done anything to her? said anything behind her back that sort of thing? im not accusing you of anything just wondering why she is like she is there has to be a reason right? hope havnt made you mad if so i'm truelly sorry im only being honest takecare mel xxx |
Jenni Marie
18 years ago
Lol, I'm not offended, but no I haven't done anything to her, I just told her she was pathetic and needed to get a life when I realized it was her doing it. |