why are girls such b....?

  • Crystal
    18 years ago

    This is because they are immature!!!

  • Miss Pipp
    18 years ago

    guys are just as bad as girls and the girls at my school are rougher than the guys...especially considering that the guys don't really break eachothers noses very often..... =] sadistic little
    b!tches aren't we?

    Pip xxx

  • chicky-d
    18 years ago

    i agree with pip considering i go to the same skewl as her .... much love .... don't get me wrong i would so prefer to be around mi guy friends then mi girl friends

  • BrokenREALiTy
    18 years ago

    It`s a part of being a femalee i guess -.-;;
    That`s why I choose to/need to/want to hang out with boys WAY MORE than girls .
    I`m sorry but the only people that have backstabbed me, betrayed me, went behind my back, spread snap about me, tried to steal my boyfriend, etc. yu name it - they done it . all chicks . no boys -.-
    But ch`yeeeaa .

  • Crystal
    18 years ago

    I have a million guy friends. I have maybe 4 girl friends. One right now is being an immature B****. (I know calling her a b**** doesn't seem very mature, but she it) The other night we were talking, I confrontered(sp) her with something that happened months ago, and she completely flipped out. If you knew the story, you'd be like, "what". (IT is long) Sense then she hasn't said one word or even looked at me. I am not going to say what it is, because she comes on here. But it is like when someone steals cake, and you remind them when they did do it, then they COMPLETELY flip. It is weird. Then she made dinner today, (she lives with me) and wrapped it all up, and left it there. Didn't call anyone, made it for everyone, but just left it. She is acting so strange. But she always does this, I don't even care that much anymore. She takes advantage of our friendship. (borrows and never returns, takes money, bitches to me, and refuse to here what I have to say.) I give up.

    It is so weird!!! And the funny thing of this is that 3 days ago we had a talk about why people are so immature, when there is a problem people should talk it out...and now she is doing that. Irony, wouldn't you say.

  • waiting 4 some1
    18 years ago

    guys are also the same, don't think that we guys are peaceful angels, many of us are devils

  • waiting 4 some1
    18 years ago

    men are foxes

  • Tammie
    18 years ago

    Because that's how girls are. =] Thats the best explination for it, because pretty much every single one of us are bitches somehow. Sorry if people don't agree. Not everyone is, but alot of girls are.

  • Natalie
    18 years ago

    Girls who are like that... are EXTREMELY immature, and very insecure.

    Alot of my friends used to be like that... always be talking about other people behind their backs, etc. And now, me and a few others are just sick & tired of it. So if we have a problem with oneanother, we just say it face to face. :]

  • Tammie
    18 years ago

    I like this idea. And i follow it most of the time. Otherwise i just leave it. Funny that this same thing happened just yesterday with my friends talking behind my back about me making up stuff to get me in trouble. Didn't work though, stupid idiots they are. And i'm supposed to call them friends! Ha! Most of the people on here treat me better than they treat me. Sorry.. my rant for the night. =]

  • Jenni Marie
    18 years ago

    Not all girls are b.itches.
    I don't consider myself or my friends to be one.
    The ones that talk about others behind their backs and are underhand are just sneaky, immature and fake friends.
    I admit alot of girls ARE bitchy, but please don't stereotype us all that way.

  • Jen
    18 years ago

    There are a select few girls who arent complete B!tches but then again to an extent we all are, i think its basically the same with men but girls tend to mark there territory with friends or boyfriends where as lads seem to do it with possessions so it isnt as noticeable.
    but i have to say the majority of my friends are male and my best friend is also male
    i think i have about 5 maybe less friends who are girls that i can trust, because u may b!itch about someone to them and to make them look good they go tell the other person but managing not to express what they sed in reply!

    but we girls are B!TCHES! and u have to admit that u guys do love us for it :P
    well aslong as it isnt aimed at u like haha

  • Darien
    18 years ago

    ADEL !!! Quit telling our secrets!!

    No but honestly, girls are a lot less.. loyal to other girls for some really strange reason. I think it's the fact that they don't like competition. Girls are more likely to backstab their friends than guys are.
    I don't know, but it's really weird. I do have a lot of friends that a girls, a lot more than guys, so I can tell you, some of them are violent. Even towards their friends.

  • 4evabroken
    18 years ago

    Gurls are funny like that!...me...bein a gurl can be one huge b**** but the whole being one over a guy thing aint me...gurl world is so funny and competitve when it comes to the subject of guys...I jus laugh and go with the flow...if she goes after the guy I like...then go ahead...that would jus teach me I gotta take risks to get rewards...and besides if he goes with her then he likes her but if he's an ass then she jus saved me from gettin hurt...so yeah...thas jus how I see it...

  • DyingOneTearAtATime
    18 years ago

    gurl and boys are just as f-ed up as each other....................but most guys are on pot here....................so i see your point but i dont hang with pot heads even if they are fun to watch....................(^_^)


  • BrokenREALiTy
    18 years ago

    'ADEL !!! Quit telling our secrets!!'

    LOL aha nicee .

  • BeautifulxMess
    18 years ago

    because girls are just sensitive people who just want attention and to get that attention they have to cause a sene and well..that's just girls. lol thats how we roll...we may not like it but if you think about it we're ALL "femal dogs" Lol. That's just girls and life.

  • waiting 4 some1
    18 years ago

    maybe you are right Darien because i don't have many friends that are females but the fact is a fact about guys

  • Mark
    18 years ago

    Depending on the background the person has had (past) .. it shows in their personality at times.

    If someone's been through a rough time in their life or something, then they might be a little more bitchy.

    Sometimes girls are bitchy to others because they get bitched at a lot. Sometimes they just bitch to others because they find that a way to vent (yes a bad way I know but they still do it). Sometimes they do it because they feel they need to be 'above' everyone else and sometimes as said before; they're just insecure.

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    Women would rule the world, if we didn't hate each other.

  • Tricky Daze
    17 years ago

    i don't do this but that's why i get along better with boys,i got girls who i think my best friend are gossiping about me,but i won't give a f**k

  • Haylee
    17 years ago

    Because they haven't mastered the art of punching each other and then playing x-box.
    Guys are way better at conflict because they don't have to plan an entire defeat tactic agaisnt someone who wore the same lig gloss as them that day.

  • Avrii Monrielle
    17 years ago

    Haha... it's our secret power ;)

  • xfAdInGxaWaYx
    17 years ago

    I have no idea. We just like to be complicated and have an air of mystery around us maybe? I dunno I prefer hanging out with guys. They're down to earth, more fun and better mates.