Dad and #3

  • Hard to Say
    18 years ago

    Well my dad just got married a few weekends ago, and i got to go and it was fun. But i realized that i don't want him to be married again( I know i'ts too late now) But I've been thinking about this for like a month now.
    This is his third wife

    I don't know if they plan to have kids or not. I'm not against it, but I don't know how i feel about it either.
    But this changes things like when i go to visit or he comes here to see me and my brother...and meeting her family. It's just kinda all too much and my mom is going through a divorce right now w/ my soon-to-be- ex-stepdad....So it's just all kinda confusing..
    Any thoughts??

  • Crystal
    18 years ago

    My father remarried when I was 6, it didn't bother me. But it did change EVERYTHING!!! He moved to anothe country, and basically stopped talking to me and my brother. We haven't spoken in 3 years. It hurts so much. His new wife put all this shit into his head. My entire family hates her for the way she has turned him. I know how you feel.

    Just try to hold onto him.

  • Gem
    18 years ago

    Just remember...

    YOU come first. Not his new wife or her family, whether she's nice or not, YOUR his daughter and you should always come first with him. No one can take your place in his heart.
    Keep that in mind when you feel upset.

  • emmerz
    18 years ago

    yea, iagree with gemma, and i think you and your brother should talk to him and tell him how you feel.. hopefully he will be more helpful and he will know that he could mess this up... i think that probably if you and your bro and him all had some time to yourself, like a 'dad and kids' kind of day, without his new wife, every once in a while, that might help keep the relationship steady.
    i think with these kind of things, people hold all of their feelings in. and of course you wont tell him everything, but if you tell him whats wrong, he might be able to help fix that (since it deals with him)

    hope this helped!


  • Hard to Say
    18 years ago

    yea, well my brother and i don't feel the same way about my dad, and my brother lives somewhere else with HIS it's kidna hard. ALso my dad lives in vegas.. I live in the whole
    dad and kids thing...kidna hard....but good idea.

    BELIEVE dad and i have gotten into SO many fights....about who comes first in his eyes. And all of that stuff. But my dad has a way of making everything my fault, and I'm always doing something wrong. When I try to talk to him all he does is interupt me...We pretty much go in circles..

    sooo yeah you've kinda helped..and there's only so much you can do...but thanks for the advice!!!