a help would be appriciated...:'(

  • cutytothebuty
    18 years ago

    ok i have a problem
    i met a girl this year, she is a year younger than me and we've only known eachotehr for about 2 monthes...but we connected and we became really close...my friends dont like her and she hates my friends...
    well anyways after some time we always got into fights...and whenever i say something that might hurt a little she starts crying...she takes everything i do in the wrong way and gets hurt...
    she was saying shit about my best friend, so once when me and the girl were in a figth i told my best friend what she said about her ( taht she sleeps with every guy in th school) which is not true!! so my best friend came uop to her and she aksed her if she can please not spread rumors about her cuz its stupid and she started crying!! and right now she doenst wanna be my friend anymore cuz i told my best friend what she said about about her...andi always told her what she said about her and she thinks i told her all the personal things she told me too annd i didnt
    ye ye its a stupid fight, and a foolish problem but yepp i need help... what do you think i should do?

  • BECCA lessTHANthree
    18 years ago

    i think that you should say your sorry for telling because you should not have even if it was mean of her to say but also tell u that it was the only thing you told her and if she was really a good friend of yours she wouldnt cry she would just trust you enough to know that you wouldnt lie to her

    i mean idk if this is really going to help but thats probably what i wooulve done..
    i hope it does help.. best of luck

    becca ♥

  • waiting 4 some1
    18 years ago

    i have many friends that don't like each other but still they are all my friends and when they backbite each other i tell them to not say bad things about the others because they are all my friends although most of them don't stop backbite each other even if i told them to stop. also most important, don't tell your friends about what they say to each other i know it sounds like tricking your friends but believe me keeping it a secret is better to avoid losing all of them.

  • cutytothebuty
    18 years ago

    yeah i know....and i said sorry like a million times...
    my riend says she will never forgive me