Is this ok or is it wrong???

  • Megan
    18 years ago

    Ok, my best friend jordan and i were just hanging out in his room goofing off and listening to music like we always do. then all of a sudden, we kissed. i dont know how it happened, but it did. but thats not all. we started making out and we ended up having sex. the next day we really didnt talk about it much. then finally we both admitted that we like it and wanted to do it again. the catch is we dont want to be in a relationship with each other, but is it wrong that im using my best friend as a f*** buddy???

  • kori
    18 years ago

    well depending on how old you are. if your older and mature enough to have sex, why not

    but if your not then id say dont do it anymore.

    ...if you dont want a relationship and just want sex, why the hell not? ;)

    use a condom! haha

  • Pianist
    18 years ago

    Haha I agree ^^

    But the real question is how do you determine maturity? Surely no one can take the enormous task of telling two young lovers they are not capable of this sort of relationship.

    To the poster: If it feels right, go for it.

  • xxmichaelxx
    18 years ago


  • xxmichaelxx
    18 years ago

    ppl these days.........

  • starsnsmiles
    18 years ago

    what's the point in just posting if you're just gonna say 'ewww'? :S

    You're 12 leisa lol, you're not going to think the same way about sex as most older people do, but just coz you're too young doesn't mean it's wrong.

    Now, to the poster..How old are you? If you're legally allowed to have sex (or like not too much younger than the age of consent) and you both feel ready for it..then go for it :)

    But you do need to talk to him about what will happen if either one of you starts dating someone else though.

    And also...if you ever decide to stop being fuck buddies, then you need to talk to him about making sure you're still friends afterwards. Getting that close to someone for a while and then stopping can cause a lot of tension in a relationship (whether it's a romantic one or a friendship), and if it's not strong enough, the tension can break it.

  • Mommy And Me
    18 years ago

    ^ i agree with neena.

  • Brittany C
    18 years ago

    It depends on how old both of you are. If you are 17 or older then go for it. But if either of you are younger then that then you should stop before you end up having a baby. If you don't stop then us protection.

  • Eibutsina
    18 years ago

    As long as your old enough - do what you want and enjoy it, but please practice safe sex!

  • Pianist
    18 years ago

    Hell, just practice sex in general.

    So many stick grabbers out there...

  • Carrotgirl
    18 years ago

    ewwwwwwwww naked bodies touching, sounds filthy and disgusting how can you post on here.

    SO what happened after the kiss............ lol

  • Carrotgirl
    18 years ago

    Stick grabbers Nobody thats a classic

  • dollwithafrown
    18 years ago

    I say go for it, as long as your are mentally and physically mature for it.

    Practise SAFE sex, and beware of the kind of emotional effect this can have on your and this guy. But if you are just doing it for fun, and both of you are happy with that, and doing it in a safe way - then go do what you want, and have fun. =P :)

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    18 years ago

    And, as always, I'm the bad one.

    I say sex is for lovers that mean it and only lovers. To have a f--kbuddy is childish and shows no sign of maturity. You just like the feeling and soon, you'll get tired of it and you'll lose your friendship in an awkward way.

    I say stay away from it, but you've most likely done it again anyways because of everyone elses' opionins. I say it's wrong. Very wrong indeed.

    What are people coming to today? What happened to the words 'I love you' MEANING something? I just don't understand it..

    But, I'm just a face in the crowd and from the looks of it, no one agrees with me.


  • Pianist
    18 years ago

    Oh I completely agree with you ecstasy. But love is not meant for everyone, no matter what your personal beliefs may tell you.

    Sometimes you have to enjoy life before you can live it.

  • Daenerys Stormborn
    18 years ago

    i'm not sure of my opinion on this, but i think sex is a part of love and sharing your body with someone else should be meaningul AND pleasurable...I agree with ^^, fuck buddies are immature and childish and you may end up losing that friendship.

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    18 years ago

    Whether love is for everyone or not isn't the matter. I agree not everyone is going to find love, but it's wrong to have a little play-mate f--ckbuddy.
    It's simply wrong. Sure, here and their with a LONG term RELATIONSHIP is ok (for not all find love)...But for the h-ll of it with a FRIEND?

    I don't think so.

    But, again, I'm only a face in the crowd of opinions, here.


  • Pianist
    18 years ago

    Yes but you would have to agree that is only a moral opinion of yours.

    Having someone to get some stress off your hard-ridden shoulder is quite nice every once in a while. And who better to share that special part of yourself than a friend?

    Obviously I have had experience in this area and I would have to say it is not a terrible idea if done in the correct manner.

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    18 years ago

    Having someone to get some stress off your hard-ridden shoulder is quite nice every once in a while
    Once In A While.

    Not every day.. I just don't see the point in it. I mean, you don't love the person.

    But, you are right, it is only my moral opinions speaking ... But, I am allowed to speak my opinions, nonetheless.

    And besides, it'll ruin the friendship in the end... I say, wait until you find someone you truly love...

    If done in the correct manner and shared with a friend, sure, but the way she stated it I disagree it being ok and I'm baffled so many people said 'go for it'.


  • mel
    18 years ago

    no i dont think it is wrong takecare mel xxx
    your both wanting sex hey who doesnt and you both decided thats all you want no ones getting hurt just use protection

  • Pianist
    18 years ago

    I do value your opinion Ecstasy, and you are more than welcome to state it. I have heard it and it does have validity. But there is no way for you to know if it will ruin the friendship in the end. That is a circumstantial opinion based off of... tv, personal experiences, general observation?

    I'm trying to tell you that just because it seems moral wrong to you, doesn't mean it is to them.

    Who knows if they will participate everyday or not, or if the friendship will not grow into something special because of it.

    You may be correct about the whole thing and I do respect your opinion. In no way am I opposing your view, because I do see the moral and societal trama this kind of activity can ensue. But I say let them take a stab at it. Let them live and learn just as we all do.

    Only so much can be expressed through words. The rest you have to act out yourself.

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    18 years ago

    Thank you for respecting my opinion. For that, my own opinion of you has grown high. I value your words.

    And you are right. It may not be moral to them as it is to me and they may not do such everyday. However, I still and will always find it wrong just to do something to be doing it. There needs to be purpose.

    However, now that we've calmly and rationally talked this out, I'll drop this topic.

    To the poster-
    Do as you wish and learn from your own mistakes (if they turn out ot be mistakes, that is.)

    Take Care, Nobody.


  • Pianist
    18 years ago

    Well stated.

    It is good you have such high moral standards for yourself.

  • Silent Screams
    18 years ago

    just be careful you don't get hurt