When I first started putting my poems online, I used "Maxpages.com". It was free and very easy to use (Being a novice computer user at the time)
As time went by, I slowly realised what a pile of poo maxpages really is.
Because it is free, you have countless ad's everywhere and the pop-ups really turn people off of ready anything on there. And the hidden spyware on the site is a pain too (I found this out a few months back)
I now use a host server and pay less than £70 per year and have an easy name to remember and because it is mine, I can keep an ads to a single box and that is it! There are NO pop ups and I can make the site in such a way that it is easy no navigate/use and the poetry is easy to read.
1and1 hosting has helped me make a much better site.
Maxpages? Talk aboput a huge thorn in the bum.
What experiences have you had? What have been the best and worst sites for you to use?