i been an idiot.

  • Mommy And Me
    18 years ago

    first you need to identify with what is maknig you stressed out.

    *recently my best friend and her bf had put me in the middle of thier break up*

    that stressed me out to me snapping on my boyfriend, my family, my friends.. everyone... i confronted her about it and its still a little messy.. but its getting better...

    then you need to find a way to resolve the issue. or find a way to get your thoughts out..

    * a poem. a diary. a best friend to talk to*

    after that if you are still stressed out about it. you should do something that you love.

    * i dont love doing it. but when im stressed i clean or bake. it helps me get my mind off it for a while*

    and then confront about it again. if you still are stressed.. some times it helps to tell strangers your problems. like the people on P&Q. they wont have as bias of opinions about the things. or some of them may have some of the same problems and you could help eachother out.


  • Miss Pipp
    18 years ago

    Well I'm here to help you any time.
    Much love always
    Pip xxx

  • Eibutsina
    18 years ago

    It takes a big person to apologise and admit fault so good on you...if you ever need to vent or talk feel free to message me okay?

    Anger management takes time...

  • Daenerys Stormborn
    18 years ago

    people make mistakes, i don't even know what you did. but i forgive you. it takes a lot of courage to apologize to a whole board of members even if people make fun of you for it ("he does this every few months"). take care

  • Daenerys Stormborn
    18 years ago

    Ok...I don't want to get into this. Eeek

  • Just Sierra
    18 years ago

    Hate to say it, but I agree 100% with Kristen.

    You've said you were sorry because too many people were against you suddenly and you realized that fighting that many people was pointless.

    Either that or you figured that the only way to get people to pity you (which is one of your most favorite things) or forgive you would be to tell them that you've changed and it won't happen again.

    Well I'll monitor that for myself. I'll know for sure that you've changed when I see it for myself.

    If someone insults you, your first reaction isn't to call them a bad word and fuss like a little baby.