
  • BeautifulxMess
    18 years ago

    What was one of the biggest rumor that you've heard about your friend. Was it true, or fake?

    -I heard a rumor my cousin(whos my age 15) was was true...unfortunatly..

  • emmerz
    18 years ago

    WHEW... it was a big one.. so it was that my best friend had been going out with this guy for six months and was 3 mths pregnant with his twins... SO untrue. and she had been going out with him for a day! and she's 14!
    man, the rumors ppl start....

  • ShindouDragon
    18 years ago

    Hmm... There was a rumour going round school once I fiddled my friend in the IT room, in the middle of lunchtime, with a computer mouse.

    Thankfully, it's not true. But it didn't half make me laugh.

  • Daenerys Stormborn
    18 years ago

    i've heard some pretty bad stuff about other people, but i chose not to believe it's not my business. anyway i've had two rumors spread about me in the past. both weren't true. first one was that i farted in math class and blamed it on the guy next to me (it was him by the way)...that was freshman year. then sophomore year, my own friends spread the rumor that i was a lesbian. i'm not homophobic at all, but i was still pretty upset with the rumor. THANK GOD i'm out of highschool

  • Amanda Renee
    18 years ago

    There was a rumor goin around at my school that my boyfriend was going to purpose to me and finds out that there was a note in my locker on our anniversary and it was a picture of a ring cut in pieces and i had to put it together and i went to his house that night and he then he asked me to marry him...

  • Silent Screams
    18 years ago

    i've heard rumors that my best friend was going to have a baby before...but the rumors passed but the thing that hurt my friend was the fact that another one of are good friends started that rumor

  • Kayd
    18 years ago

    It was shortly after I dumped my ex that a rumor started... about him raping a 12 year old (he's 17) and she got pregnet. I haven't found the truth yet, though he says he didn't do it, but all his best friends say he did. *sigh* It'll be bad no matter how it turns out.

  • Poetess Lana
    18 years ago

    Somebody in my school started a rumor that i was bi... what she didnt know was that it was true and i REALLY didnt want the whole school to know. the bad part is now the whole school knows because of her big mouth!!! AND she used to be my best friend but now i wanna kick her arse!