What's left to go wrong?

  • Kara !
    20 years ago

    Everything in my life is so... screwed! I've had more problems lately then I've ever had in my life.
    To start, I went with some guy (this is where everything starts). One of my best friends was going with him (not going out, not seeing, they were just kind of going together). Me and this guy both stayed over at a friends house, and we ended up going together. I'm now officially hated by everybody. I only have two friends who've stuck by me. I'm not kidding with this. I've been disliked by one or two people, but never anything like this. I get continuously bitched about, but the guy - well he's got away with this pretty well.
    Because of all of this, I had Monday morning off sixth form. It's just as well as I did as my mum came down with some horrific pains. She was crying through the pain. I rang the doctors, NHS direct, the hospital, and eventually, an ambulance. We had to drive up to the hospital while I watched them drug my mum.
    They didn't find out what was wrong with her, and she insisted she was fine. There was nothing else they could do but give her pain killers and discharge her.
    She's still been experiencing pain (not quite as bad, but it's there), and I'm seriously worried about her health.
    My parents decided this week that they are splitting up - and this time for real. My dad's staying here until my mum and I visit the solicitors on Thursday. So he’s leaving, which leaves our financial situation even worse. We as a family are already in well over £20,000 debt. My mum will only be able to work during school hours due to my youngest brother leaving school earlier than me and my other sibling. She won’t be able to earn enough to look after as. My dad wants the house when they split, so we’ll have nowhere to live, and my mum’s car is a company car from my dad’s workplace, meaning we’ll also be without transport.
    So that means no friends, a broken family, no car, no money, no home, and my mum with an unexplained illness. I don’t know what to do.