how do I gp about telling /...

  • chay
    17 years ago

    Me and my friend have known each otha for about 2 yrs and I really like him and sometimes it seems as if he likes me too but other times I just can't tell .
    How can I tell so we can stop playing these games?

  • Daenerys Stormborn
    17 years ago

    talk to him. ask if he feels something for you, more than just friendship. be honest about your feelings, but consider whether you would still want to remain friends with him if the feeling isn't mutual. once you go from being friends into a relationship, it's hard to go back to being friends when the relationship ends..if it does of course.

  • Tony E
    17 years ago

    I would talk to them too, I sadly didn't follow this advice with someone and although nothing would have happened as they did not feel the same way it would have been better to know that 5 months ago and maybe I would have been able to keep myself from falling even more for them. It hurts to know they don't like you too, but I guess in a way it's better than not knowing. At least now I can work on getting over them (which seems impossible and probably will be, but that's a different story). If I would have asked her 5 months ago maybe I would have been able to keep myself from liking her as much as I did and gotten involved with someone else well I had the chance, whereas not I don't feel like going out with anyone else which makes it harder to move on in the long run. Long story short, ask him.

  • cissy
    17 years ago

    tell him how you fell.

  • chay
    17 years ago

    He's a lot older then men .by 4 yrars. Idk how to tell him