Love in the distance....

  • LuvLyLynn
    17 years ago

    My sister is having doubts about her long distance relationship. She loves her boyfriend very much and now that she lives thousands of miles away from him she misses him dearly and she feels that he loves her very much too.They always talk to each other and write letters to each other, but she worried that maybe he'll find somebody else, and she's wondering if this relationship could ever work. And she know that it's going to be a long time until they meet again face to face... So please let me know what she should do... This would help her a lot...Thanks...

  • Tony E
    17 years ago

    All I can say is that long distance relationships are extreamely hard, if not impossible to maintain. If you don't get to see the person often, spend time with them, laugh, hug, or just see them you start to drift apart no matter how much you hate it. I know of people who have had long distance relationships work out for a while but I for one can't see how they can be maintained in the long run. I hate to say it but no matter how much you love someone and want to be with them it's my opinion that you will adventually move on. If there is a way they could see eachother even a couple of times a year then I could see it working out, but I think you need that reminder (in person) of why you love them so much

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    17 years ago

    Oh my, oh my, oh my.

    I hate to say it but no matter how much you love someone and want to be with them it's my opinion that you will adventually move on.
    I could hang myself with that comment. Don't listen to that right there, that's what's going to kill the long distance relationship.
    No matter how much you hate the distance, if you love the person, you won't go LOOKING for another. If your sister looks at other people, tell her to end it now. If you love someone, you will never move on.

    Now my advice:
    My dear [takes your hand] never give up. Tell her that.
    The strongest love is one that is willing to suffer for anything.
    Tell her that no matter what, if she loves this person she should never give up and make their lives more difficult by worrying. My boyfriend does the same (I'm in a long distance relationship too) and it makes everything so much more difficult on the both of us.
    Just cherish the good moments you have with them; if it was meant to be, it will be.
    If not...Then let it go. You can't force yourself to love someone and if it's not true or not meant to be, you'll find out soon enough, the hard or easy way.
    Tell her if she needs anything she's welcome to contact me and I'll talk to her. I love helping people and since I've been in a long distance relationship for almost two years, I feel I could help some.
    How long have they been dating, by the way?

    I wish them all the luck in the world. Long distance relationships ARE hard, but they're worth it.
    When I finally met my boyfriend, it was the most glorious thing ever.. He was perfect in every way and I couldn't believe how perfect he was for me.

    I hope they talk on the phone, though.... I'd be worried if they don't.

    Eh.....sorry for rambling, I didn't mean it to be this much..Anyways, I hope that helps and take care.
