I have a problem

  • xLaurax
    18 years ago

    two of my friends (ashley and ximena) are REALLY mad at each other to the point where they're making me decide who I want to be friends with. I really can't decide becasue they've both been my best friends since a long time ago...
    I've tried to get them to make up but it wont work!
    any suggestions on what I should do?

  • Shae
    18 years ago

    Thats not right for you to have to decide... You should be able to be friends with who you want. Give them time..Maybe they will make up!


  • Miss Pipp
    18 years ago

    Don't be friends with either of them if they are making you choose.


  • xLaurax
    18 years ago

    It was only ashley who was... I told her I was going to support her but not get in the middle of it and she seems okay with that. I just wish they would make up. It's been going on since before Halloween. that's a LONG time. before they were best friends. they keep saying the other one lied so I really don't know who to trust.

  • Daenerys Stormborn
    18 years ago

    ummm what? lied about what? what exactly happened?

  • xLaurax
    18 years ago

    I can't even remember it was so long ago. ximena said something that ashley said wasnt true so they got mad at each other.... yesterday ximena said sorry but ashley didn't accept it.