CPR v1.0: Current Rating Checker

  • Aymon F
    20 years ago

    I wrote a program, for all of the poets on this page to use, where u simply put the URL of your author page, and click retrieve rating. You can minimize it to your taskbar, checking the page in the backround every thirty seconds. It will flash when someone voted for you. It will remember your author URL, so that each time you start it, it can start to retrieve your rating as soon as you start it. Just click HERE and do Save As. if the html doesnt work, or its a big mess, then just copy
    ftp://mangaviewer.myftp.org/upload/CPR.exe into ur address bar. I hope you find this as useful as i do. Any questions, just reply to this post, and ill help you out. Peace

    Edit: ftp://weaselgrater@mangaviewer.myftp.org/upload/CPR v1.1.exe is the newer one, if you dont read the rest of the posts.

  • Aymon F
    20 years ago

    Oh and moderators, if this isnt the right place to put this post, please tell me, or move it to wherever you find fit. Thanks

  • Jacki
    20 years ago

    i downloaded it and i was just wondering why it says 4.6/35 what is the 35? Also I wanted to see if it really flashed when someone voted so i voted for myself on one of my poems and the cpr box thing froze on me and gave me an error

  • Aymon F
    20 years ago

    Yeah, the 35 is how many votes. And for it crashing, can you post the error message, so i can fix it?

  • Aymon F
    20 years ago

    Oh, and about freezing, it may seem to freeze sometimes, but it is just retrieveing the rating. THe best way to run the program, is to press retrieve rating, and then keep it minized for the rest of the time.

  • Jacki
    20 years ago

    don't remember the exact error it just said not responding so it was probley my own computer

  • Aymon F
    20 years ago

    Well I intended it to run in teh background the whole time so that when someone voted, i cood double click where it says #.#/# and go directly to the page, or when i send my poetry profile to my friends, i can see if they voted.

    ABout seeing who voted and when, I don't know whether the site logs it. If the site does not take usernames of who voted, and i dont think it does because you can have anonymous voting, then i don't think ill be able to implement that.

    ABout the spacing, please elaborate? Would you like it to say "#.# out of # votes" i used the #.#/# because it was simple and concise, but please tell me what I can improve.

    And if no one picked it up, if you double click where it says #.#/# then it goes directly to your page...

    It could log WHEN people voted, but not who voted..

  • Aymon F
    20 years ago

    I created a new version, v1.1, that implements the log of when ppl voted; votes that are made while the program is running in the taskbar. Changed the layout as well, but if you like the older version better, then just scroll up to the original post. The new one's link is ftp://mangaviewer.myftp.org/upload/CPR v1.1.exe


    EDIT: 8:26:00 PM 10/26 EST
    Ok, i THINK i fixed a small bug, that logs a vote when u first retrieve a rating. The link is the same:
    ftp://mangaviewer.myftp.org/upload/CPR v1.1.exe


  • Aymon F
    20 years ago

    Aha! Now i get it. Ill clear that up as soon as I get home. Lol, i dont have that many votes, so i didnt have to incorporate that. But you explained it to me well, and as soon as I get home, ill fix this problem and reupload it under v1.1

  • Aymon F
    20 years ago

    lol, thanks, so now it has the thousandth place. if anyone needs anymore, just post. lol, and to those who need a place higher..i envy you. lol, So just download the new revised 1.1, woo! Thanks Vlad, for helping me make the program better. Peace

  • !*!Zoe!*!
    20 years ago

    Um....how can you guys be sure that this is real????? It could be a virus! No offense, ok?

  • Aymon F
    20 years ago

    I guess you can ask Vlad, cause he's used it before. I assure you, it was written in VB6, and I have no intentions of spending my time spreading virii to poets, haha. Peace

  • Aymon F
    20 years ago

    VB6 is Visual Basic 6, and the vote log, logs the times of the blinkyness, lol, to put it simply. When it blinks, it records the time in the Vote Log. By the way, my last name is Fournier, and my first name is Aymon. Peace

  • Aymon F
    20 years ago

    i know a little C++, and my dad offered to teach me Oracle, for hes a Database Admin, but i never took the time to read the 9000 page book, lol

  • Aymon F
    20 years ago

    I think this is useful, and i dont think it should be ignored, therefore -- PAGE JUMP muwuhahahaha.