Broken Friendships.

  • Jenni
    18 years ago

    Have you ever turned your back on your best friend just because of her personal choices? How about if she manipulated you? I did. At first I felt like it was the worst thing for me to do because she had been my best friend for three years. It hurt me a lot.

    Now after it being a little over a year since we haven't been friends at all, I feel like I am doing sufficient without her. Was it selfish of me to break off our friendship because of who she wanted to be, and who she tried to make me to be?
    Answers please.

  • Darien
    18 years ago

    No I don't think it was selfish at all.

    I had a best friend in elementary school and we were best friends for 4 years. When we entered highschool we had planned to stick together. Eventually we started slipping away, he had new friends. These friends of his were not the kind of crowd I would hang out with. They skipped school, they smoked alot and drank alot. I wasn't into that sort of stuff. I played sports in highschool, I hate smoking. Drinking was something I never had a huge problem with, but he came to class drunk one time and got suspended. The friendship ended around that time. We had huge plans for the future. We would see the world and conquer it. We were going to be scientists and invent many things. It all fell apart. The decision I made, was to not keep him as a friend, but as an aquaintance. I knew his parents, and he knew mine. It was tough. But it was the right decision in the end. I'm a better person for it. If I stuck by his side, I would be a drop out. I don't think it was a selfish decision at all.

    Well, I hope that made you feel better.

  • Kayla
    18 years ago

    Well...I have had and still do have what I thought were my friends go behind my back and talk about me and think Im not listning(but I am) and then when they think Im paying attention to them they act like they are my friends again and it really makes me mad,because I thought they were my friends,also its childish to tlk about ppl anyways so they shouldent!

  • Heather
    18 years ago

    No I don't think it was selfish at all. Someone who does things like that probably wasn't a very good friend to begin with.

    That happened to me. This girl who used to be my friend (we stopped talking this year) tried to change who I was and get me to talk about a lot of people behind their backs. And she started changing a lot, then started talking about me behind my back. So I pretty much did the same thing you did.

  • BrokenREALiTy
    18 years ago

    When it comes to friendship, I live by these words, "You don`t LOSE friends; you just realize who the REAL ONES are ."

    And if she manipulated you, I don`t think it was selfish . Real friends don`t do that . I`ve been through a lot of drama with friendship . My 'girlfriends' tried to change who I was and would gossip to me . That was when I realized that 99% of the time [for me] -- Those who gossip TO you, gossip ABOUT you . I didn`t do what they wanted -- So they started talking smack . Others tried to guilt trip me to breaking up with boys just cuhs` they liked them too . Some never told me, some got dumped by them, and otehrs even dumped the boy ! Yet they blame it on me for their tears . So I`ve ditched nearly all of my home girls ; except for 9 . And trust me, I had a lot . Now, I just keep my home boys close cuhs` in the end -- My fella`s are always down fo` me . So it`s not selfish to do what you did if a 'friend' is doing snap to you . Gotta` stand up fo ya`self and what you think is right -- Don`t let others make you wnana change who you are(:

    Anywaays, hope that helps ? Just keep ya` head up and keep it fresh, kk, hon` ? Don`t let others bring` yu down[=