Bad friend..?

  • XxFallenxFromxGracexX
    18 years ago

    I have this really good guy friend that i admittedly liked/like alot but he has a girlfriend and he doesnt like me in that way anyway...Well i just found out that his girlfriend and her friends were bad mouthing him and i dont no whether to tell him or not...would it look selfish if i did?? or would i be a bad friend if i didnt!!!
    Help im confused

  • Purple
    18 years ago

    It depends on the degree of their bad mouthing. If they were just saying some thing about how bad he looked that day, or how stupid a comment he made was, it's really no biggy. If they were going on and on about what a horrible and slow person he is (and not just for one day, but overall), then it might be some thing you'd want to pass on.

    Think about it. If some one was saying that about you, and it was some one you trusted and knew wanted the best for you, would you want to hear or would you care about this info?

    If it's some thing he won't care about you'll come off as selfish.

  • XxFallenxFromxGracexX
    18 years ago

    they were saying how she (his gf) can do better than him and stuff...its just i dnt wanna tell him cause i no how much he adores and loves her and i dont wanna make him unhappy...
    thanx for your advice it did help!

  • Gem
    18 years ago

    I'd tell him.
    If that were happening to me, i'd want to be told. Have you got another friend you can tell him with who will back you up?
    Good luck

  • TheWorldFellNUWerentThere
    18 years ago

    Just go and tell him.

    Tell him your not trying to get them to break up but he should know that his gf is bad-mouthing him and that.

    It depends on how you tell him that his reaction will take!

  • Megann Lee
    18 years ago

    For one. He's your friend. You liking him and him not liking you in the manor has nothing to do with what is being said about him behind his back.

    Just tell him, that you are his friend and you think he should hear it from you. You aren't telling him this cause you want them to break up, but you want him to know. Then tell him whatever is going on.

    If he is a good friend, he won't get mad or anything.

  • XxFallenxFromxGracexX
    18 years ago

    thanks guys!!! u dnt no how much ur advice helps!!!