
  • Flying angel
    18 years ago

    i woud like to have titles of dark and sad poems!
    i entered a contest at school and dont know what to write about ...

    please can any one help!

  • Carrotgirl
    18 years ago

    Write the poem first and take the title from your verse

  • StephanieH
    18 years ago

    Yeah, It's best to complete your poem first , and figure out a title that best fits your poem, like what is the REAL meaning of it all
    hope that helps!

  • Boy
    17 years ago

    yeh.. first just write wat u want to write. then sort it and then decide ur titile its so easy and simple gd luck

  • Romancing the Darker Side
    17 years ago

    Write out your thoughts and try to get a title from that. If all else fails, do what Panic! at the Disco does: Pick a title that has nothing to do with the song. :)

  • Dark Demise
    17 years ago

    Write a poem bout how ever you feel, Or about someone else,

  • Cherish
    17 years ago

    Write about something, that may make people think, use words that are meaningfull like for example
    wisdom, or beauty - or something like that, and just make your poem flow, it feel good when a poem just flows.
    xxx good luck

  • adelinaxx
    17 years ago

    Write the poem first and it will come to you