Writers Block?

  • ABake
    17 years ago

    hey guys...
    Well i've read poems on here that are saying "writers block" and i know its when you cant find anything to write...told to my by someone...but can someone tell me in depth what exactly it is?

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    17 years ago

    Writers block is where, try as you might, you just can't seem to get the words onto the paper.
    The order doesn't seem write, or you just can't express how you may feel like you once did.
    Writers block is a horrible thing to endure; it takes away the soul within you, if you may.

    Hope that helps and makes sense.


  • Mommy And Me
    17 years ago

    writers block is when you can have a perfectly good idea but you can not put it onto paper.
    it eats your inside and is some times hard to get rid off. but other times all you have to do is enter a contest.
    its difficult to explain... i think you need to have it for yourself before you know the full extent. and even then almost impossible to put into words.

  • Hunter Scott
    17 years ago

    I try to experement in all forms of art (except dance) and I've been told I'm good in most of them. I've never experienced writters block, but there was a period of about three weeks when i couldnt paint or draw if my life depended on it. I would get a pencil and a peice of paper and stare at it. It was the most horrible thing I have ever endured.

  • Squirrel
    17 years ago

    there is no writers block it is only the mind's choice to not write or create art because of an error in thought or no words to express the thought or feeling for it is unidentifiable all that limits you is your vocabulary and your imagination to which there is no limit for they are always expanding

  • Alissa
    17 years ago

    It's like an artist's block. Sometimes I am unable to draw a thing; at all. It makes you feel weak and lost because it's something you love and a talent you've always had.
    All it is really is a certain length of time that you've lost your inspiration, you can't seem to get in tack with your talent. It's a horrible feeling but it's very common.

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    17 years ago

    i always know that someday i'll come up with a good idea, and that's what strives me to keep writing.

  • Veamm
    17 years ago

    Writer block is there are much words but you can't manage to chat it down