If you need a friend....

  • Luke
    20 years ago

    Hi, my names Luke. im a 16 year old from upstate New York. It breaks my heart to see all the horrible things that kids deal with. i used to be suicidal and i still am depressed a lot, but i just wanted to say that if anyone needs someone to talk to, im here. It seems like im always talking to girls who used to be suicidal or still are.... so if you wanna talk, cry, watever, maybe i can be a comfort. Im a good friend and i will always try to be here for you. My sn is LmanofAoE2 and my email is LmanofAoE2@yahoo.com if anyone wants it. peace out

  • Erin
    20 years ago

    Hi... My name is Erin. It's kind of Ironic because someone who used to abuse me alot was named Luke... but thats okay because its been dealt with. I still have alot of issues though...

  • vanessarrr
    20 years ago

    hello... i'm victoria. you remind me of my good friend whose grandfather just died and i feel sorry for him. it's so contagious... i'm so sad right now... i just saw the obituaries and feel more depressed. i never knew his grandfather... but i'm so sad...

    sorry, just had to let that out...

  • Luke
    20 years ago

    hi everybody, idk y people always say i remind them of someone, even on the net! uhm... ill read some of yalls stuff and try to get in touch with you. thanks for the posts

  • Erin
    20 years ago

    im really lost in life right now, just when i start to figrue things out, something happens that throws me off balance, i am soooooooo confused, i just need someone to help me, cause im really losing it, and even though its hard to admit, i think i deserve all this

  • Madison
    20 years ago

    hey luke. My name is madison, and i could use a friend.. my e-mail is sweetpmb90E earthlink.net

  • Luke
    20 years ago

    hi madison and erin. i hope that we can all become good friends. if you ever need to talk, you have my email and my aim sn. i just had a horrible weekend and was depressed for most of it. what is wrong about enjoying pain? i am just to lazy to read some of the other posts i guess, but im curious, cutting and other self mutalation is wrong for a number of reasons, but what about other forms of pain, ones that dont leave a scar?

  • vanessarrr
    20 years ago

    like what?

    (i'm just curious but you don't have to answer my question)

  • Luke
    20 years ago

    like self-inflicted emotional pain, getting in fights or doing dangerous stuff for the pain or the rush, or hurting your body in other ways besides laceration, like burns, bruising, etc. im not necesarily refering to myself, just ppl in general.

  • Luke
    20 years ago

    definetly. ill email you or something. im online a lot for now, my prof has my email and sn.

    p.s. i am not to busy to talk to anyone. even though there are several posts here, i can easily be friends with everyone and more.