Should I forgive him?

  • DeathsRose
    18 years ago

    My friends little brother (13) hit me and her with a broom and then threatened her grandmother and my b/f. My b/f hit him and me and his sister (17) walked out. Later I found out he had bi-polar and he didn't take his medicine that day. He told my friend to tell me that he said he was sorry but told her to tell him that the appology was not accepted. My mother and my friend agree with what I did, but I don't know. Should I forgive him?

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    18 years ago

    If one has enough courage to ask for forgiveness, then it should be granted.


  • Foolish Heart
    18 years ago

    yea i think that you should forgive him...i mean he could have jsut gone on with his life without saying that he's sorry
    the least you can do is think about how you would feel if you were the boy....if i were you i'd say sorry

  • Sherry Lynn
    18 years ago

    There is a difference between forgiving and forgetting!

    You should be willing to forgive him, but that does not mean to go back to him or accept his behavior.

    Funny thing about life, if you refuse to forgive someone then you are actually hanging on to that anger and allowing it control you.

    Yes, forgive. But do not forget and return to him. Do not accept his abuse or put yourself in a situation to where it can happen again.

    Bipolar or not, there is no excuse for this. The man knows that he has an illness and knows that he is to take his medication EVERYDAY to help prevent such outburst.

    My son is bipolar and I tell him constantly that his illness is not an excuse to act like an ass towards everyone. If he is having a bad day and feels like the stress is more than he can handle then he needs to stay away from everyone until he can get himself under control.


  • TheWorldFellNUWerentThere
    18 years ago

    YES. A bi-polar person would be special person to have u to support them!

  • emmerz
    18 years ago

    i think you should forgive him, just make sure you arent in a situation where it could happen again, or be careful when you go over to your friends house

  • Kristen
    18 years ago

    I think you should forgive him because i have a bi-polar friend and sometimes he forgets to take his medicine and he goes a little wild but he can help it so yeah you should forgive him.

  • Stephanie
    18 years ago

    Yes, I think that you should forgive him.


  • Truest Lies
    18 years ago

    I have to agree, that in all honesty it was a little harsh of you not to forgive him... but, I also think that he should have apologized in person.
    That's just my view. As it has already been mentioned, not forgiving someone can make you retain negative emotions for a long time. Come on, he's just a kid, and he wasn't in his right mind. On the other hand I CAN understand your anger. If you want make him apologize in person. That is a very difficult thing to do and it should make up for it.


  • Tainted Beauty
    18 years ago

    Just because he is Bi-Polar doesnt not give him an excuse to hit people. BUUUT he did ask for forgiveness, and if he really means it, you should forgive him, at least thats what I always live by.

  • Lovely Bones
    18 years ago

    I 100% agree with what Sherry Lynn said, and also the fact that he should of apologized in person and not got his friend to do it.

  • dollwithafrown
    18 years ago

    Yes, I think you should forgive him. He did wrong by hitting you, but he did right by apologising for it. You don't have to forget about it completely and let him off the hook - but don't hold grudges, it won't help anyone.

  • emptysole
    18 years ago

    hey my old boss was bi-polar and it is a very diffrent thing to cope with at times they do not realize what they are doing it is like some one else is in there body, forgive but dont forget it is just as hard in there shoes if you messed up when you were drunk would you hope that people would forgive you ??? i know i would

  • Grumpy
    18 years ago

    if he killed someone cause he forgot to take his medicine would you forgive him?

  • DeathsRose
    18 years ago

    I went over to my friends house last week and he appologised in person to me. The I gae him a hug and told him that I accepted his appology. I'll just make sure that I do not go over to my friend's house when he is not on his medication.