• Lauren Waszkiewicz
    18 years ago

    I've been wanting to hold a contest for a while. so i am . lol. i am not on often for long amounts of time though so it will be a difficult and long lasting one.

    1. New- duh.
    2. Minimal Swearing- if it does, just send me the link
    3. CAN'T be religious. i'm not so it'd go against you anyways
    4. Try. but have fun too. it shows. =]
    5. Please dont make them 2000 lines long. =[
    6. Can be a POEM or LYRICS i like both. =]

    This is like a titled contest. Only without titles. lol.

    Pick a genre below and write a poem in that genre. woot not hard is it? but it is! you must use a line of one of the songs listed below in your poem. don't know the song? google the lyrics if need be. =]

    There will be 5 spots per genre/category and you may each use whichever song lyric you want. reserve which genre/category you want. there will also be an 'other' category. this is for you who may have come to late to reserve.. or can't fit into the genre..

    Each genre will have one winner- like the best in breed in a dog show. the winner will not get any extra special comments or anything. lol. but they will have the chance to enter round two. =].

    All who enter will recieve 1 comment on either their entry.. or another poem if they desire.

    I will make a new thread for round two when it comes up.

    The dead line will be.. i don't know yet. this will be a long lasting contest because i can't come on often. so it will basicly end when all the entries are in. =]

    - haha i fooled you. these aren't genres!!! they're basicly lines from a poem you haven't written.
    Yup you got it! you have to have these lines in your poem too. =]
    ---- i will accept slightly altered lines. same with the lyrics. but you have to ask first. okay?

    ~~I hate you but i love how you love me.
    (or I Love you but i hate how you love me)
    (or bascily and mangling of this.. lol)

    ~~Don't act as though you own me-you don't

    ~~You eyes may be blue-but your soul sure is black

    ~~Ghost? Honny I'm your Vampire.
    1.xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex [Reserve]

    ~~You told me you loved me, Then i (or you) shot you. (or me)
    1 xxmiss.killerxx

    1. Whitey

    (OTHERS- must use two song lyrics/lines from 2 different songs)

    **********these weren't suppossed to be funny. but i see now some are. lol.

    if your having difficulty finding the lyrics say something okay? i know where to find them all. =]
    -most found on

    I do recommend you read all the lyrics first. the titles don't always show what the songs about. =]

    FOUR LETTER LIE- "Stay For A Lifetime"

    ESCAPE THE FATE- "Not Good Enough For Truth In Cliche"

    I AM GHOST- "Pretty People Never Lie, Vampires Never Really Die"

    ARMOR FOR SLEEP- "Very Invisible"

    EVERDAE - "Song in C" (for everdae you have to go to their myspace and go to the song and click lyrics)

    Good Luck. and remember. this /is/ difficult. so the prizes will be good. =]


    Ok in summary:
    you pick a category/genre and use the line in the poem which you will write. also you will use a line from one of the songs i also listed.

    Easy eh?

    To reserve- simply say you want to reserve and which line you want to use. =]

  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    18 years ago

    Songs are up! yay So its open!!!!

    -that means enter-

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    18 years ago

    Do you have to write ABOUT the song? Or can you make a new peom up completely different from the lyrics?

    If it can be different, I want 'Ghost? Hunny, I'm your vampire.'


  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    18 years ago

    Yea it can be about anything. .. although. many do have to do with vampires and ghosts and stuff. lol

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    18 years ago

    Uh duh. ;]

    I'll take it, then.


  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    18 years ago

    wow. you posted the same second basicly.. lol

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    18 years ago

    That's crazy. oO


  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    18 years ago

    Pst. Enter. =]

  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    18 years ago

    my ear itches.. hrm you should enter. =]

  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    18 years ago



  • disturbed one
    18 years ago

    umm what song is You told me you loved me then I shot you from...

    i cant find it in any of the songs u listed

  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    18 years ago

    the 'category' isn't from the song (any song) its just a line i made up. you have to use that(whichever you choose) AND a line from one of the songs(or in OTHER 2 lines from 2 diff. songs.)

    Hope that clears it up. if not just ask. =]

  • disturbed one
    18 years ago

    oh nvm

  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    18 years ago


    So does anyone want to reserve.. i don't want to have to close this contest... =[

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    18 years ago

    DON"T CLOSE IT!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    18 years ago

    i know. but no ones even had any interest but you and disturbed one. dundudun.. =[

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    18 years ago

    Just keep it open..I'm sure you'll get more of a response.

    I bet it's because there's so much to read...


  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    18 years ago

    i'll keep it open till the 10th if no one else responds. =[


  • xxmichaelxx
    18 years ago

    enter....but can u please explain firther cuz i don't really get it....i knowe have to use a line from a song listed below.....but wast's the top one that says other titles? srry...

  • xxmichaelxx
    18 years ago

    ^^ oh wait i get it we use the line and use a line from another song that u've listed as the titles or use 2 other songs and get 2 dif. lines...right?

  • xxmichaelxx
    18 years ago

    u told me u loved me but then u shot me....i'll take it pweese

  • xxmichaelxx
    18 years ago

    can it be lyrics too or have to be a poem?

  • Whitey
    18 years ago

    heheheh, im up for it, from ur club too buddy
    hmmmz, just gimme some time to make somefin up thanx a bunch

  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    18 years ago

    either is fine miss killer. =]

    Miss killer- you do not use the song title as the title. you read through the lyrics of the song and use a line from the song IN your poem. along with the line from the category you chose. (in your case you told me you loved me then you shot me) then you go through and read the lyrics and pick a line you also want to use. =]

    i mean you CAN use the song title as the title,. or the line or anything. that doesn't matter.

    Whitey- Right now i'll put you under OTHER.. If you want a specific line jus tell me and i'll switch ya over. =]

    (if you stay under other remember you have to use two lines from two songs(one form each)

  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    18 years ago

    Well Keep those Reserves Coming Lol.

    And I"m Doing another Contest as well in case this one Does Flop.

    (the Different and Cool Contest w/ 8 spots)


  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    18 years ago

    Ghost? Hunny, I'm Your Vampire. {Terzanelle}

    Ghost? Hunny, I'm your vampire,
    With sweet surrender and biting kiss,
    Ghost? Hunny, I'm your vampire.

    Look into my eyes, an endless abyss,
    A fire thriving in thine eyes?
    With a sweet surrender and biting kiss.

    Hunny, do you see me, I'm your lie,
    I have so many lies I have to tell
    A fire thriving in thine eyes?

    Smile broadly and you'll do well,
    In these dusty halls of Hell,
    I have so many lies I have to tell.

    Seduce you with my dark beauty to sell,
    Ghost? Hunny, I'm your vampire,
    In these dusty halls of Hell.

    Heat; full of a one time desire,
    Ghost? Hunny, I'm your vampire,
    What you lack, is what I desire.
    Ghost? Hunny, I'm your vampire,


    The Terzanelle is a poetry type which is a combination of the villanelle and the
    terza rima forms. It is a 19-line poem consisting of five interlocking triplets/tercets
    plus a concluding quatrain in which the first and third lines of the first triplet appear
    as refrains. The middle line of each triplet is repeated, reappearing as the last line
    of the succeeding triplet with the exception of the center line of the next-to-the-last
    stanza which appears in the quatrain. The rhyme and refrain scheme for the triplets
    is as follows:

    1. A
    2. B
    3. A

    4. b
    5. C
    6. B

    7. c
    8. D
    9. C

    10. d
    11. E
    12. D

    13. e
    14. F
    15. E

    16. f
    17. A
    18. F
    19. A


  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    18 years ago

    ok im boosting this up. idk if kitty will see this and if this was the one you were talking about, =]

  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    18 years ago

    Bump. Please. Enter People. =[

    Sheena - from which song did you get a lyric/line from? i dont feel like fishin through them all. lol

    if you would also say what the line is.. =P

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    18 years ago

    You dork, it's the title of the piece and in the poem several times. =P


  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    18 years ago

    uht oh. no.. i mean the lyrics. from one of the songs. .. =[[. did you read the directions? you had to incoorporate the line of the 'genre' and a line from one of the songs also listed.


    and btw .. it kinda looks like yor last two lines should be switched-according to the RS and line..=\

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    18 years ago

    You said it didn't have to be ABOUT the song. I even asked and posted about it...... Read the posts near the top... =S

  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    18 years ago

    Yes. your right it diodnt have to be ABOUT the song. but it had to include a line of lyrics from a song! thats the second part! =[

    Quote -
    Ok in summary:
    you pick a category/genre and use the line in the poem which you will write. **also you will use a line from one of the songs i also listed. **

  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    18 years ago

    yea sorry this is closed. =[

    participation here is icky.