
  • Luke
    20 years ago

    hi everyone. im looking for people who look on the dark side of life. idk if your a goth or not, i just hate people who are always happy and perfect. you WILL die eventually......

  • Luke
    20 years ago

    yep, you are rambling, but i agree. im the same with the whole darkminded thing. but my sense of humor is strong, so i appear happy a lot.

  • vanessarrr
    20 years ago

    i'm kinda like you luke. it's like a wear a happy mask on the outside but i hide all the dark things locked in the inside. i release some of it through poetry but most of my dark poems aren't posted in here.

    anyways, i always tend to look at the bright side yet i think about the bad things first and store it in the back of my head. i'm not exactly a goth but i wouldn't say i'd never be...

  • Luke
    20 years ago

    yea, i have those mood swings. its a lot of fun isnt it? (sarcasm) But on the other side, i think that a lot of people have those. most of my poetry is depressing, or at least not 'happy' idk tho, i would consider myself an inner-goth. im not a pesimest, just a realist...

  • Luke
    20 years ago

    well, i would say that anyone who is an anti-trancedentalist, believes in an innate evil in man, prefers darkness to light, is depressed a lot, likes dark/evil things in the culture, and is individualistic. what about you?

  • vanessarrr
    20 years ago

    hmm... goth... well somedays i could call myself one since i do have those blessed mood swings also. personally, i don't know the 'definition' of a goth and i'm pretty sure it varies.

    i'm not a pessimist but not exactly an optimistic person but i always try to live like it's my last day on earth and that any minute, i could drop down and die. would that be a pessimistic motto because i always expect myself to get hurt/die? or an optimistic type because i live life to the fullest?

  • natasha
    20 years ago

    well if your definition is correct then everyone has a little goth in them

  • miss scooby
    20 years ago

    Well, i wouldnt call myself a goth because i would only consider it a title. But I have my days where i see the dark side of things in this world, such as right now, and i have those days where i feel as if my life is perfect but then i come back into reality realizing my life is just a screwed up as anyone else's i am right back into my dark days....Some would question this as depression but i would frankly describe it as emotion that is being exposed into my life because i never did it earlier. I have more dark days then happy....just because i choose them to be dark....dont get me wrong happiness is a GREAT feeling but i myself never trust happiness just because of the fact that it will never be there for you.....well now i am just rambling...


  • vanessarrr
    20 years ago

    agree with you cryinginside...

  • Luke
    20 years ago

    guess that we all agree. labels are just a way of making a general obvervation of the way a person or group of people may behave. if people start to think that all people will always act like a certain label, then they are making an incorrect assumption. people will try to hide their pain because they dont want other people to feel sorry for them. can you blame them? thats all i got for now.

  • vanessarrr
    20 years ago

    lol ;)

  • Luke
    20 years ago

    loll, i live in syracuse, its upstate. your a smart person, i hope you do move nearby, thatd be cool! but your probly movin to the city. i wish there was a way not to label people, but i dont think there is. so, i dont fight it, i DO label people. ill admit it. but, i do realize that people arent all the same. idk, i guess im a little hypocritical. but so is everyone then i figure.

  • Luke
    20 years ago

    yea, buffalo is like two hours west of syracuse. im in the middle of the state, your west near niagra falls. ive been to buffalo several times, its easily within driving distance. :-p yea, i feel like that. i got friends who are there for me, but i dont have anyone that i would consider a BEST friend, someone i can just chill with, talk about anything, ya know. i never have. it really sucks

  • Luke
    20 years ago

    ic, well maybe we can do somethin sometime. you know the syracuse is gonna have the biggest mall in america in a year or two? theyre building on to carousel, itll be bigger than the mall of america. we got two hot topics really close by. those are like the official goth store (stereotypically). anywayz, what would you think of a goths religous beliefs? just curious, i had a number of people tell me that goths dont believe in God or that they worshipped the devil.

  • *tanya*
    20 years ago

    hey well i wouldnt exactly consider myself goth but everyone i know considers me goth, lol!! i just prefer the dark-side and im not happy all the time, and my fave colour is black lol but i guess thats a label and a stereotype from the people who consider me goth, because they dont realise that its whats inside that makes you goth, not what you wear...
    umm as for goths religious beliefs the idea that they dont believe in God and they worship the devil is completely ridiculous! I dont believe in the Christian God, but thats not because i worship the devil or anything.. infact, you cant have the devil without god so i guess i dont believe in either of them..
    Then again im sure there are many goths that believe in God. The way i see it you can still be goth and believe in absolutely any religion you want.. its completely up the individual.. just because stereotypes say goths dont believe in god and worship satan doesnt necessarily mean thats true.
    anyways, thats just my view on the issue.. what does everyone else think?

  • adham
    20 years ago

    GOTHS??? Luke u'r a goth??? KOOL

  • Luke
    20 years ago

    ehh, well....not really. on the inside i am, at least i think i am. post some stuff man, ur profs empty. anywayz, wat do you think a goth is?

  • adham
    20 years ago

    yeah..well i'm kinda unsure about posting my poetry on here..but i'l do it soon maybe within da next few days...
    Luke mate..wat do u think of Nahla?? she just recently posted her picture (is she hot or wat!!!)
    i think she's the kinda chik that can rock!

    lolz ge bak 2 me mate..i wanna know wat u think..or is it just me who's interested in her?

  • Luke
    20 years ago

    lmfao. yea dude, but 1 she really 14? i mean, cmon, she looks at least 17 or so. my pics are on, my name is xXDont Fear the ReaperXx, so lemme know if im hot ;-) anyways dude, i love the ausy accent. im a new yorker will very little accent. i get some southern sometimes, but thats barely audible. anyways, yea, if i didnt live half a world away, id be interested. bad news, my comps broke, so ill check up every few days or somethin, but still talk to me!!!! and read my poems!!!! and comment!!!! wow, im really rambling. anywayz im gonna go check some poems, peace

  • Shædow Poet
    20 years ago

    I definetely do not think the world is horrid, I think it is beautiful, yet we have made faults in it through all the years. I am an inner-goth in some ways, I do not dress like one, but when I'm depressed... I feel like shit. My poems sometimes reflect that side of me.

  • julie
    20 years ago

    Im not a gothe, but i look on the dark side of life, you should read my poems 'God's Failure' or 'phantom kisses' they show how i feel about the world.

  • cum n get me !!!!! lol
    20 years ago

    oh i hate every1 bein all happy n dat all da time. their too positive. ne1 like gd charlotte????

  • Chelsey
    20 years ago

    Hey..well i just want to ask you..and please dont be offended..but how come you don't like people who are happy all the time..wouldnt you want to die knowing you lived a happy and positive life then crappy and negative?..but i do agree there are some times i do look on the dark side of life..anyways good topic!

  • Luke
    20 years ago

    yea, thanks everyone. my comp is still broke, but i like what has passed between yall in my abscense. i think that certain personalities clash. ever-happy clashes with me. yea, the stereotypes are pretty much set for most any social groups, but i think most ppl are imbetween groups anyway. i certainly am.

  • lisa marie
    20 years ago

    i couldn't agree more with you erkle. and whats wrong with happy people? hah wow.

  • Luke
    20 years ago

    lmfao. idk. but i never said there was anything wrong with happy people. everyones happy at times. uhm... idk what else to say. thank you for the history lesson tho. im into history and already knew that :-p but 'goth' is just one of those words with seperate connotations. peace

  • Gothic Angel
    20 years ago

    I used to be the happy type but I guess it juz wasn't me ! i finally got intuchrd with my inner self which is dark an d gothic.......

  • Luke
    20 years ago

    very nice. i am happy now, but i had a bad headache all day. but its frieday. and i have no plans for the weekend. everything balances out. eventually. thats my theory. highs, lows, flatlines, whatever.

  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    20 years ago

    Luke, rotf. Puns like that make people think I'm dark sometimes. Never been called goth. I don't have that kind of money.

  • Luke
    20 years ago

    rite on. hot topics expensive. you gotta learn to sew. its actually a pretty cool hobby me-thinks. owow, i gotta get a life. im not a goth at all, but i am a dark-realist, and that feels kinda goth to me.

  • Dieing
    20 years ago

    I'm not a goth but i do see the darker things in life alot..I write poems about what i see and of my memories and thats the reason why my poems are always depressing..I do pretend to be happy alot and from what it seems being happy means that you're only blind to see the reeal world.

  • Luke
    20 years ago

    well put.

  • TinaMarie
    20 years ago

    i'm not goth and i'm not always happy but i try to look on the bright side all the time because i used to be real suicidal n depressed but now i'm christian and i'm happy woth most of my life

  • Luke
    19 years ago

    true. im actually a christian myself. and cutting yourself isnt an efficent way to deal with depresion. trust me. i find its better to deal with it by talking to others (usually not ppl you see everyday). but yea, so, im done....

  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    19 years ago

    what do you mean? Christianity is full of people flogging themselves for their sins, or flogging, I can see why the Catholic church is in trouble lately.

  • Nookie
    19 years ago

    Or raping little boys..that does wonders for inner problems.............................................

    Ok, maybe that was a little too far..

    Back to topic, yes I am "gothic," for me it started with wearing black hoodies, they assumed I was gothic, so overtime I became gothic. I have always listened to the appropriate music, and felt the apporpriate way, but never showed on the outside until fairly recenty. Now look at me, black hair (it changes, black for now), lipring, chains, spikes, everything gothic now..I rather liked my hair


  • Luke
    19 years ago

    hmm. well, for one thing, im not catholic, i dont agree with some of their teachings not to mention that the listed practices are hypocritical. same in islam. the koran doesnt say 'chop the americans heads of for allah' those are the actions of a few and dont represent the many.
    another thing. there is no 'appropriate' look or sound for a goth. i think that was the general consensious of this thread. (im not asking you to read the whole thing, thatd be hard). i also think that purple hair is sexy, on the rite ppl. anywayz, i dyed my hair black a few months ago too, its almost out now, but still darker than normal. that was funny when ppl saw me, they were like 'whao'. loll

  • Erica Brown©
    19 years ago

    I'm never happy anymore..
    After my family hates me..
    My fiance I loved left me without a goodbye..
    The next man who told me they loved me cheated on me and I walked in on him..
    And I now cut myself and swollow in my darkness..
    But I want to be happy..

    Yet I don't dress like a goth. o.O

  • Lipton
    19 years ago

    I usually enjoy being sad or depressed. As oxymoronic as that sounds, it's true. For some reason, I think better when Im sad, or depressed.

    My parents think I'm full-fledged goth for one reason:
    I have dark-colored clothing.

    None of my shirts say anything (If they do, it's like, our school name, and a little eagle on the side or something). They are from light blue to black. I just don't like wearing bright clothing because... well, mainly, I just don't like bright clothing.

    Another thing: I have a cross made of three pewter nails melded together (don't tell my parents... they'll have me excommunicated from church!)

    ~Ciao Lipton

  • Luke
    19 years ago

    uhm, normally i wouldnt say this, but under the circumstances... read this whole thread 'snowbird.' thats right, all 70-w/e posts. you might learn something. those 70-w/e posts are all talking about the same thing. people who are themselves and nothing else. why should someone dress a certain way to show everyone around them exactly what they feel on the inside? should we put up huge neon signs every time were happy or sad? no, so please stop talking nonsense. the way that people dress has no bearing on their insides. its not insecurity, its not shame, its just being yourself. are all cheerleaders blonde? are all jocks stupid? do all skater smoke pot? no. stereotypes are a bad thing to base your desicions on. read it^