I'm mad

  • Zavaylah
    17 years ago

    Can anyone say something funny to make me happy.
    Today started off not so good for me and I just need a pick me up.....

  • mistressxsork
    17 years ago


    There were these three tomatoes running in a race.. the father, mother and son. The mother was in first, the father in second.. and the son.. last. The mother and father tomatoe both pass the finish line, while the son is still trying to make his way to it. So.. that mother tomatoe.. runs back and jumps on the son tomatoe and screams CATCHUP.

    I don't know.. it made me laugh when I heard it.

  • MischieviousMya
    17 years ago

    *What did the strawberry say to his boss when he was late to work!? ----- i was almost in a jam*

    lmfao got that off of bowling points tee hee

  • Truest Lies
    17 years ago


    There was a man with a chronic tick in one eye that made his eye wink repetitively.
    He went to a company to try to get a job, but although he had an excellent resume the boss was a little hesitant. "The constant winking could be a problem" he said. "No worries," said the man "I can stop it by taking two aspirins." He pulled two condoms out of his pocket and put them on the desk, then fished out two aspirins and swallowed them. The winking stopped immediately. "See, there you go."
    "We don't encourage womanising," said the boss coolly.
    "Oh, gosh" said the man. "Have you ever tried asking for two aspirin at the chemist while winking?"

    Hehehe, made me laugh. Brightened up MY day, anyway.


  • MischieviousMya
    17 years ago

    nobody laughed about my joke =/ lol

  • David
    17 years ago

    lol. well i thought it was funny.

    very interesting how you read these funny skits and your life becomes that little bit more tolorable and fun.

    this is on my site. have a laugh. its funny.

    It's better to have loved and lost than to do 20kg of laundry a week.


  • MischieviousMya
    17 years ago

    thanx david lol =o]

  • my name is Llama
    17 years ago

    a simpsons quote- 'last night i had a dream that i ate a 10 pound marshmellow...and when i woke up my pillow was gone'...... rofl