The Value of Rhyme

  • sibyllene
    17 years ago

    I think the most important thing is a good rhythm, rhyming or no. Rhyming can enhance a poem, yes, but as you say it is often awkward, and bogs down the poem until it is simply trite and bland. Free verse can have rhythm, I believe, and even if there is no strict cadence to the poem, the words should still flow cleanly.

  • HopefulxRomantic
    17 years ago

    I think it's initially the message that you get across to an audience, followed closely by it's rhythmic flow or simply how comfortable a poem is to read. Rhymes follow afterwards, but are still an important factor. If rhythm and rhyme can be upheld whilst giving across the desired emotion, the poem is worthy of a high vote.

  • DavidBrendan
    17 years ago

    I think free-verse can be equally as enjoyable as rhyming poem depending on the author. Rhyming has automatically a certain rhthym but free-verse can be more open and be more flexible according to the author's taste and personal preference.

  • bubenfest
    17 years ago

    I believe rhyme can often make a poem sound immature. Rhymes are often overplayed and they sound like the poet is a beginner and can not come up with intresting words which can damage the tone of the poem. Also sometimes rhymes are akward like the rhyme is forced disrupting the mood. So, in some case rhyme can enhance a poem but only if it is used wisely free-verse sometimes scares people because they have no boundaries or limitations that rhyme holds, but it can be good depending on how the author does it. Each type of poem has its draw backs and in the end it depends on the authors style and preference.

  • Daryl
    17 years ago

    I think some people have this perception stuck in their head that a poem has to rhyme to sound good. Sure, rhyme is a poetic device but there are so many other devices for a poet to use that focusing so much on just rhyme scheme alone is just meaningless. So I would say that I agree that it is pointless to rhyme for the sake of rhyming.

  • Robert Gardiner
    17 years ago

    Wonderful topic and discussion. I agree with the point made on the importance of rhythm and of a poem flowing well. I feel unless done intentionally to set a certain mood or bring forth a certain emotion a poem should have a congruence of rhythm and flow well. Now, I prefer to use rhyme in my poetry, for that what is most natural for me, but whether you rhyme or not your poetry, it should maintain a pretty consistent flow, there should be a certain symmetry to it.

  • Tamsin
    17 years ago

    All poems are individual of course. Some poems suit rhyme, others don't, and both CAN be equally enjoyable depending on how they're written. That said, I think many amatuers detract from the actual emotions meaning to be expressed by attempting to make their poem rhyme, because the common belief is that all poems rhyme. Rhythm is more important than rhyme in my opinion, whether it be freeflow or not. A stuttering, stumbling poem is not easy to read and will not sink in well with the reader.
    All that's just my opinion. ^.^

  • ariana
    17 years ago

    buy a ryhming dictionary

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    17 years ago

    or just be one