How Full/Empty is your glass?

  • TimidOutburst
    18 years ago


    Okay. Simple as that. Write us a happy or sad poem telling us if your glass is half full or half empty.
    A few rules:
    No profanity (not even those little words)
    Nothing explicit in any way.
    Nothing too gore or anything.

    That's all there is to it. No set deadline yet, but keep looking because we'll set one soon.
    Have fun!
    Charisma* and Midnight Sun~

  • disturbed one
    18 years ago

    can u give an example cuz im not really catching ur drift

  • *Charisma*
    18 years ago

    I mean are you a pessimist or an optimist. tell why or why not? maybe give a personal example. This poem can be fictional if you want too..It doesn't necessarily have to be about you. Hope that helps you.

  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    18 years ago

    Whoa. freaky are you two people?

  • disturbed one
    18 years ago

    i think charisma and midnight sun and timid are all like...together on this will be the 3 favorite if that is a prize and stuff like that

  • TimidOutburst
    18 years ago

    LOL Allow me to clarify. The account known as TimidOutburst, is really just two people using one account. We are CharismaticCountryGirl aka Charisma, and Midnight Sun. We are best friends and often collaborate on poetry or songs and decided to create an account where when we do, we can post them for others to read. And we also wanted to have this joint account so we can hold contests that we judge together. Does that clarify it? I hope so. Thanks!
    This is Charisma speaking. lol

  • Twisted Heart
    18 years ago

    Optimistically Correct
    By: Twisted Heart

    If you look with eyes of wonder
    at the day you're passing through
    You'll find the rhyme and reason,
    for all the things you do.

    Within the passion of a life
    that you have come to know
    Is the strength you have inside
    the essence of your soul

    You may have times of constant fear
    but in the end you'll see
    There is a hope, an understanding,
    of the heart to let it be

    Sometimes a simple little thing
    may set you back, but then
    You'll find your feet and step ahead
    and steer to rights again.

    Don't let the words of doubt consume
    the heart that leads you on
    For with them always on your mind,
    they'll follow you along

    They'll tempt the soul with hunger pangs
    and crush you in the night
    And leave your broken spirit
    without a beacon in your site.

    So when you have that feeling,
    that you've been cast aside
    Don't bury all your dreaming,
    or choose to run and hide.

    Hold fast the soul that shields you
    from the danger of it's pull
    View not the glass half empty,
    but that it is half full.

  • Avrii Monrielle
    18 years ago

    lol cool!

    Mayb ill try this out soon

  • TimidOutburst
    17 years ago

    Something else that's cool about the two of us being on one account (this is midnight talking btw :) is that you get double the awards for winning one of our contests. Just thought I'd bring that out. Oh but we also still have our regular accounts. Ok well I think that's it! Have fun!!! :)

  • Gem
    17 years ago

    When's the deadline cos i wanna give it a go

  • Gem
    17 years ago

    Xx Half Empty Or Half Full? xX

    Is your glass half empty or half full?
    What do you do when on you life pulls?
    Do you look on the bright side with a smile?
    Or do you feel low for a little while?

    Do you always let the world get you down?
    Or do you just say ‘Everything goes around’?
    Or are you optimistic in everything you do?
    And just wait for life to give you your cue?

    Are you happy with the way things are going?
    Always have a smile that’s pleasant and glowing?
    Or do you always let the bad times take over?
    Always depending on that old lucky clover?

    Do you try having a positive state of mind?
    Always take the time to calm down and unwind?
    Or do you get worked up, jittery and stressed?
    And never take the time out to have a little rest?

    Is your glass half empty and leaving you drained?
    Leaving you feeling blank and detained?
    Just look at your glass and picture it half full
    And envision yourself in paradise’s pull ©


    (Not that good, it was really rushed)

  • TimidOutburst
    17 years ago

    Hey Twisted Heart and Gem, we just wanted to thank you for your support. Cause this was a really different contest, lol, heehee. Anyways, since no one else is entering we're just gonna give each of you 10 comments on your poems. So thanks again and you'll get your comments soon! :)
    P.S. Just a reminder that we're going to comment on them on our seperate accounts. So look for comments from Midnight Sun and Charisma. Thanks! :)

  • silhouette fairy
    17 years ago

    Valentine's Day
    by Silhouette, of something unimaginable

    They sit together
    on the lover's holiday
    cuddling, and smiling
    acting lovey dovey
    he knows she wants to die sometimes
    she thinks there might be someone else
    they part in their ways
    he goes to the one he loves
    she to the one that loves her
    she holds the cold metal, his photo
    crying why couldn't you love me
    like the way you love her
    she holds the blade closer
    thinking "walk the sidewalk"
    she gets closer to her want
    he now feels her pain
    leaving his lover
    he runs down the road
    now she is thinking "no turning back"
    the blade "walks the sidewalk"
    now turning, it "crosses the street"
    he reaches her house
    tears running down their eyes
    she clutches the note
    he clutches the nob
    just a second too late
    she lays there motionless
    kneeling beside her
    he reads the note
    "we both can't get what we want"
    he knows, though no one else does.
    he now belongs to her
    she got her wish
    but he shall not
    that was her happy ending
    but his sorrowful beginning

    mine is a little empty...... *shrugs* aw well....

  • Gem
    17 years ago

    I thought this was a good contest, i wonder why more people didn't enter.
    It was good meaty challenge =)