What most people don't realise is..

  • Mark
    18 years ago

    Love comes and goes, but true friends are hard to come by.

    Most people I see these days tend to forget that which is sad. They go with the ones they love instead of their friends and end up making a mistake in the long run.

    Having a true friend is priceless, but being in love isn't as that comes easier than having a true friend.

    Don't just assume it's easier to get true friends because you get friends before bf's/gf's because it's not.

    People often think that the one they love will make them happier than anyone else when that isn't always true. In any relationship (more than friends) one or both people will get hurt in a way guaranteed. There's no questions about it.

    In a friendship, the same will happen but it's easier to overcome and talk it over as it's easier to trust a friend than a bf or gf.

    I myself have a hard time trusting people to be a part of my life as my girlfriend, but it's easier to trust a friend.

    -Edited out a part.. put it in wrong context-

    It may not seem it, but when you all think about it, it is. Putting all your trust into 1 person.. caring about then, loving them, and having fun with them but still able to talk about ANYTHING at all. When in a relationship it becomes harder.

    Often when friends get in a relationship and end it, they stop talking to each other and it tears them both apart and they regret it. This is why people need to have a long think about it and talk to their friends before getting into one.

    Ask yourself and them these questions:

    Do you want to still be friends after this? No matter what?
    Will I cope if something HORRIBLE happens?
    Will I be able to resort back to them if a problem occurs like usual?
    Will I still be as open as I was?
    If we get into a relationship will it affect the way we communicate with each other or other people?

    Just things like that..

    I hope I've made a positive contribution to someones life. Just always remember this..

    Love comes and goes, but true friends are hard to come by.


    I don't know where it is but I said it the wrong way.. true love doesn't just come and go but love comes and goes. True love is hard to find, and if you found true love.. try not to let it go. If you do.. try and still be with the one you truly did love.. not let them slip away like others.

  • Mark
    18 years ago

    Well, yes.. true love doesn't come and go but it is easier to find than a best friend I'd say.

    Thanks for your comments, Kristen.

  • ABrookeD
    18 years ago

    I agree with everything you said accept true love coming and going. Friendship should be put before love. It would be a mistake to drop a friend for a g/f or b/f. I know because i've made that mistake. Love is a wonderful thing, but it could never compare to true friends.

  • donna
    18 years ago

    True love is your best friend... They'll be there unconditionally through everything :]

  • xfAdInGxaWaYx
    18 years ago

    Well said Mark.

  • GoodMorning
    18 years ago

    I agree with you, but only to a certain extent.

    True friends are indeed hard to come by, and once you find a true friend, you should never take them for granted or let them slip away.

    However, I don't think love is any easier to find than a true friend. A casual relationship/fling, yes. I can see why you would say it's easier to come by. But not true love, not at all. Because I think, in order to have love, there has to be the basis of friendship; first and foremost. And once you find someone you truly love, you shouldn't let them slip away either.

    Romantic relationships are harder to maintain than general friendships, true. But that doesn't mean they aren't worth fighting for, and it doesn't mean they aren't important.

    "If your best friend and your girlfriend or boyfriend slept together.. the best thing to do is forgive your friend and leave the partner. I mean what.. one person gone in your life that was a lover. You can find true love over and over.. it takes time though. But finding a best friend? That's one of the most difficult tasks of living."

    I disagree with that.

    That isn't true love, and it sure as hell isn't true friendship. The best thing to do would be to drop BOTH of the slugs. Neither of them are genuine, and they aren't worthy of being considered a best friend or lover.

    And you cannot find true love 'over and over'. It isn't as simple as that, dear. =)
    Finding TRUE love is just as hard as finding a best friend, if not harder.

    You shouldn't ditch your friends for a fling, I agree. But once you find genuine love, and I mean love, that person should be your best friend.
    And they won't expect you to drop all your other friends for them.

    Wouldn't you agree?

  • Mark
    18 years ago

    I do agree to but also to a certain extent. Sometimes people don't think about what they're doing when they do it.

    Though love is easier to find than a true friend. Think about it. People find love at first sight even.. but do you find a true friend at first sight? No. You work up a friendship not automatically become their best friend and start trusting them with everything etc.

    Also I didn't mean over and over as in finding it literally over and over.. I meant often enough.

    But yeah.. some things of mine could be reworded.. lol

  • GoodMorning
    18 years ago

    Of course people don't always think about what they're doing; we're human, we fudge up.

    But love is NOT easier to find than true friendship. What are you thinking, boy? ;P
    RELATIONSHIPS may be easier to come by, but not real love.

    Love at First Sight is a bunch of crap. I think people may have, em, how do I word this.. intuition? about someone, but I don't think you can really love person when you first meet them.

    The same goes for friendship. You may have a feeling, but you don't know right away if you're going to be good friends with someone or not.

    Both friendships AND relationships take awhile to build. You have to take the time to get to know someone, no matter if they're simply a friend, or your lover.

    I think you take true love way too lightly. You associate it with casual flings, and they are two completely different things.

  • Yazdan
    18 years ago

    I strongly disagree with almost everything you say. I agree that a true friend can be invaluable, but obviously you don't know what true love is. What your describing is a feeble emotional attachment that was probobly caused by physical infatuation. And your remark about what you'd do if you caught your best friend in bed with your gf, thats trash. Your best friend WOULD NOT do that. A true friend helps you get out and sort out situations like that, they don't get you into them. Your best friend would put you first and would do anything to prevent pain, and sleeping with your gf is not preventing pain. Anyone who's "best friend" has slept with their bf/gf, needs to reconsider who their calling best friend. If both your bf/gf and best friend are being true to you, you should never NEVER get put into a situation where you will have to chose between them.

    If you really love someone you will trust them more than you would trust any friend. If you are truly in love your partner will act as your best friend.

    What your describing is chosing not between a best friend and a love partner, but a normal friend and a casual lover.

  • Mark
    18 years ago

    'And your remark about what you'd do if you caught your best friend in bed with your gf, thats trash. Your best friend WOULD NOT do that.'

    It does happen. There are reasons behind why it would happen. I've witnessed it happen before but if you say it's trash then ok.

  • Mark
    18 years ago

    And Brittnay.. you say both love and friendship takes a while to build but these days I see people getting into a relationship faster than becoming true friends.

    But hey.. what ever.

  • Free Spirit
    18 years ago

    i dont agree too much with u mark. y? cuz what u explained is very basic, ppl coming and going is apart of life. there's a cold world out there n if ur smart u'll know who to trust n who not to. love is pure, ur partner should be ur best friend n ur lover, true love says it all. as for friends there's never a limit to it, u just gotta know who's true n who isn't. there r some things in life that are too broad to be explained in a basic manner. i believe we all know this n have gone through it some how in our lives. only thing best to know is, if u r true to others?
    n if u know what it is like being true, u will know who is true to u.

    this life is a test, u do good to others u get the reward if u dont u also get something out of it. if u know ur loyal, then just be wise. ish happens in life but we gotta learn from it n not do it again. the biggest fool will repeat the mistake, n will be doomed to fall over n over...

  • GoodMorning
    18 years ago

    Mark, love, I was referring to GENUINE friendships and true love. Not the casual flings you keep referring back to. ;P

  • Just Sierra
    18 years ago

    Erm....what do you think happens when the one you love is also your truest friend and your biggest fan? The two boundaries of friendship and love don't necessarily have to be one or the other. They can mesh....

  • Jen
    18 years ago

    i agree with mark, best friends are really hard to find atleast one you trust fully, these days you do see people saying somebody is their best friend because they are with them alot of the time, but most of them seem to forget that a best friend is there whatever the problem, they care for you and its someone in which you trust and feel comfortable sharing things, if you dont then they arent your best friend.

    whereas with your bf/gf you could feel comfortable telling them but do they really want to know and care about it?? also you can trust your best friend to tell you the truth.
    looking at it one way when a partner leaves you, you can be upset for a month or two, however if a friend doesnt want to know you anymore you will be upset for a great deal longer, this may not be the case for every one and im not saying it is but most people i have seen get more upset about losing friends than they do of losing a partner.

    If you get into a relationship with your best friend that can or cannot work, but the decision is do you want them in your life all the time or just while you are with them as a partner, which can be difficult.
    You may like a best friend as more than that but in the end is it worth trying to find out? and if you then lose the best friend you will have in effect lost both your partner and your best friend its a tricky business.
    and if you and your friend are meant to be then the feelings will be there for years which means that then you can establish that it may be worth it, people seem to get different kinds of love mixed up, i know this as i have done this before now, which is partly the problem, because they become close and attached to their best friend they become to love them and sometimes think its like the love for a partner when in effect it isnt, it is alot stronger than that i think, but i could be wrong.

  • GoodMorning
    18 years ago

    LOL, nice way to lighten the mood, Shiky. ;P

    And nicely said, Kris.

  • GoodMorning
    18 years ago



  • Jen
    18 years ago

    lmao thanks for that