18 years ago
Love comes and goes, but true friends are hard to come by. |
18 years ago
I agree with everything you said accept true love coming and going. Friendship should be put before love. It would be a mistake to drop a friend for a g/f or b/f. I know because i've made that mistake. Love is a wonderful thing, but it could never compare to true friends. |
18 years ago
Well said Mark. |
18 years ago
I agree with you, but only to a certain extent. |
18 years ago
I do agree to but also to a certain extent. Sometimes people don't think about what they're doing when they do it. |
18 years ago
Of course people don't always think about what they're doing; we're human, we fudge up. |
18 years ago
I strongly disagree with almost everything you say. I agree that a true friend can be invaluable, but obviously you don't know what true love is. What your describing is a feeble emotional attachment that was probobly caused by physical infatuation. And your remark about what you'd do if you caught your best friend in bed with your gf, thats trash. Your best friend WOULD NOT do that. A true friend helps you get out and sort out situations like that, they don't get you into them. Your best friend would put you first and would do anything to prevent pain, and sleeping with your gf is not preventing pain. Anyone who's "best friend" has slept with their bf/gf, needs to reconsider who their calling best friend. If both your bf/gf and best friend are being true to you, you should never NEVER get put into a situation where you will have to chose between them. |
Free Spirit
18 years ago
i dont agree too much with u mark. y? cuz what u explained is very basic, ppl coming and going is apart of life. there's a cold world out there n if ur smart u'll know who to trust n who not to. love is pure, ur partner should be ur best friend n ur lover, true love says it all. as for friends there's never a limit to it, u just gotta know who's true n who isn't. there r some things in life that are too broad to be explained in a basic manner. i believe we all know this n have gone through it some how in our lives. only thing best to know is, if u r true to others? |
18 years ago
Mark, love, I was referring to GENUINE friendships and true love. Not the casual flings you keep referring back to. ;P |
Just Sierra
18 years ago
Erm....what do you think happens when the one you love is also your truest friend and your biggest fan? The two boundaries of friendship and love don't necessarily have to be one or the other. They can mesh.... |
18 years ago
i agree with mark, best friends are really hard to find atleast one you trust fully, these days you do see people saying somebody is their best friend because they are with them alot of the time, but most of them seem to forget that a best friend is there whatever the problem, they care for you and its someone in which you trust and feel comfortable sharing things, if you dont then they arent your best friend. |
18 years ago
LOL, nice way to lighten the mood, Shiky. ;P |
18 years ago
Lol! |