Guess what??? Guess what??? Guess what???

  • GoodMorning
    18 years ago

    How can you hate snow?! Kris, you are such a weirdo!

    But, alas, so am I!

    I like snow, but only to play in for very short periods of time.
    And to look at from inside a warm, cozy house.

    Because when it starts melting in my socks, we've got a major problem.
    Snow is then my wost enemy!


    Weird Pride!


    *waddles away to fetch some lasagna*

  • Jennifer
    18 years ago

    hey what are you doing!

  • GoodMorning
    18 years ago


    I'm just sitting here listening to music, and messing around on myspace. ;P


  • emmerz
    18 years ago

    haha its snowing here too ! in bc! even though its like, a few hours from tacoma so it would be lol

  • donna
    18 years ago

    I love snow.... as long as I am indoors in the warm I think it's great :P

  • Darien
    18 years ago

    We've had some nice weather the beginning of Jan.. but these past few days have been freezing!!

    Kristen! We need to run down south somewhere! That snow is gonna catch up to us and bite us in the butt. Frost-bite us that is...

  • Fighter (Ariane L.)
    18 years ago

    its snowing here too!!! its been a really non-snowy winter :(
    but theres been snow for the past 3 days :)

  • xfAdInGxaWaYx
    18 years ago

    Yeah, we had snow down here in Victoria, Aus. Believe it or not it's supposed to be summer and where it snowed it actually put out a bush fire... Yes our weather isn't messed up at all of course not...

    P.S. I hate snow, it's all cold and hard and wet.

  • TheWorldFellNUWerentThere
    18 years ago

    We had our first brown winter this year. Well for thru christmas time and that. We'll probably get it in march or april. lol.