Worried about a friend who's like a sister to me!

  • TheWorldFellNUWerentThere
    18 years ago

    I have a really good friend that's like a sister to me because her older sister is my BEST FRIEND IN THE WORLD and I'd do anything to see Betty not hurt.

    But Betty's sister Brandy hasn't been coming home until 7-8 at night and in the morning for school leaves at 5 or 6 in the morning. I'm extremely worried about her but she's becoming a different person then what I knew her as. I guess it doesnt register that they're rapists out in our town, ALOT of them, and theres alot of drugs going on. She just turned 14 and yes I'm sorry to say and it's really mean to say too is if Brandy gets hooked on drugs or gets pregnant or kidnapped, I don't think I'll feel sorry for her because she was walking out on dark streets and invovled with many 'guys'. She smokes ciggarettes[sp?] and talks about alot of guys in a sexual manner. SHE JUST TURNED 14!! She lost her virginity when she was 10 or something like that and yet I still have mine.

    I confronted her mom that if she doesn't put the police on her a$$ that shes either gonna go to jail for stealing, becoming pregnant or hooked on drugs. And I think her mom doesn't want to admit thats probably going to happen soon, and I think she was trying to back Brandy up but I still think she took it at heart. Because now she called the school and they are escorting her out to the bus, welll suppose to, until Brandy lied to the teachers and the teachers called Brandy's mom.

    I dunno what to do about this. I really want Brandy to see the fact that somethings going to happen to her. Can you guys help me?

  • TheWorldFellNUWerentThere
    18 years ago


  • GoodMorning
    18 years ago

    Eh. I'm not really the best advice giver, and what I'm about to say is pretty obvious.. but have you tried actually talking to her about it? Have you told her how worried you are?

  • Love vs HATE
    18 years ago

    SAME HERE if you TRY to talk to her SHE might come to see what has been going on because some times people don't see what is happing to them. It will be hard on you and her but I think it you talk it out it will all work.

  • TheWorldFellNUWerentThere
    18 years ago

    I wouldn't have put htis on here if i never talked to her. I TALKED TO HER MILLIONS OF TIMES THATS WHY IM ASKING FOR YOUR ADVICE./

  • TheWorldFellNUWerentThere
    18 years ago

    Any more advice?