
  • Lutu
    17 years ago

    Why are ppl most beautiful when they have screamed n cried their heart out?

  • Normal is the Watchword
    17 years ago

    Why do people insist on typine the word people like this: ppl and the word and like this n?

    Is there even a such thing as beauty in the physical or metaphorical way?

  • starsnsmiles
    17 years ago

    when people have screamed and cried their heart out they are vulnerable. they have let down their guards and are exposed to the world.

    when people are vulnerable like that they seem beautiful because they're...fragile? i dunno how to explain it. it's like...when their guards are let down, they let people see who they are, and their beauty

    i know what i mean!

  • Lutu
    17 years ago

    Ty :)

  • Phantasmagoria
    17 years ago

    'she's only beautiful when she cries.'

    i love that quote.
    i dk.
    why do people look best when they're in a casket?

  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    17 years ago

    uhm. so i would be beautiful with no makeup on my eyes puffy and my hair a mess. yea. that sounds like a stupid guy quote.

    right. whatever.

  • idgaf
    17 years ago

    "i dk.
    why do people look best when they're in a casket?"

    They don't.
    everybody knows when somebody is smiling they look most attractive.

  • DarkJem
    17 years ago

    because you can see the real them when people cry they show you their soul

  • Lutu
    17 years ago

    "uhm. so i would be beautiful with no makeup on my eyes puffy and my hair a mess. yea. that sounds like a stupid guy quote.

    right. whatever. "

    Maybe if u had a beautiful soul u would see it...