i dont see what they see..

  • Love Panda
    17 years ago


    sometimes i feel im different than others and sometimes i think there are people out there that are just like me...

    ...anyway-everybody that i know see's the real word when they look at things, but i dont..i see scary things, like if im lying in bed trying to go to sleep (but still awake) i see random scary things, the other night i saw a buddah child in the corner of my room crying tears of blood...then it started laughing and walked out my room!

    other times i see beaten up and bleeding people, that scares the bageezers out of me...its even started to happen at work!

    i have really bad nightmares occasionally but what i cant understand is that they dont see the scary things i do, is this all in my head?

    i suffer from depression too, could it be linked?

    october xx

  • Poetess Lana
    17 years ago

    october... i think there is something more... send me a PM ASAP!!!


  • PoetryHeart
    17 years ago

    wow thats scary. okay, take 10 deep breaths. then think long and hard about what has been happening in your life. if something scary happens again, shut your eyes really tight and say to yourself "this is not real, and i can get through this". if this doesnt help, go to a therapist, if you arent already. sorry if anything i said doesnt work. good luck and stay strong!

  • my name is Llama
    17 years ago

    you may have something called psychosis. but really you need to tell a doctor this. there is probably medication they can put you on so that it goes away. i have heard people who have experienced things like that and i have also but in a slightly different way. but usually it's something else than depression. are you getting any other unusally thought, ideas, pictures, smells. anything like that

  • Avrii Monrielle
    17 years ago


    sometimes that happens to me; mostly at night, though. i think something's hanging from my ceiling...

    i think u might have a really deep mind when it comes to your imagination, causing you to bring your dreams into reality.

    a lot of fantasies are really creepy... :P i still check &close the closet/ look under the bed/ pull the shades before i go to sleep. im scared there might be someone waiting to get me when im sleeping...

    im guessing when you saw the buddha, you heard it, as well? that is pretty creepy... as much as it might sound like a risk, you should try asking a psychologist. hypnotizing might work too, because you explore your thoughts when you're hypnotized...

    im sorry that u c that way :( but im glad that ur letting it out; it's hard to keep stuff bottled up inside for a long time.

    if theres anything we can do to help...?

    ~try talking to someone on the phone before you sleep... or have u already?~

  • Love Panda
    17 years ago

    sometimes ideas and thoughts pop into my head-and i wonder how i even thought off them ijn the 1st place.

    i hear music playing when theres nothing playing too.

    as for smell i dont think i have smelt anything funny, i just presume there from work or home (a lingering smell)

    what is psychosis??

    october xx

  • Avrii Monrielle
    17 years ago

    just wondering, 1) does anyone else experience that too? 2) does it only happen to you, and those around you don't notice anything?...


    3) Can you remember even one person seeing the same thing?


    Last night my closet was open and i kept thinking someone was looming over me.

    .... i just thought of a new possibility:


    .....i know this might sound childish, but please try it: the next time you see something like that, try to envision someone/something to fight for you; then try to fight the other vision away with the new one.

  • DarkJem
    17 years ago

    i suffer from depression and i get that too but a bit less scary. have you tried talking to someone about it i talk to my sister were nearly both going through the same thing but she acts hyper all the time she covers it up. but i think that it is linked but it has triggered something. i knew someone who was depressed turned out they had schizophrenia too.

  • my name is Llama
    17 years ago

    psychosis. is a bit like schzophrenia. but a little less extreame and can be treated with medication (thats what sum1 told me) it could be something else to like PTSD that is where sumtink traumatic in ur life happened and ur trying to block it out and other thoughts come into your head that often scare you. i have also heard hearing music is a sign too.

    i get similar things like that. at night i think there is people in my room and i hear them moving around and i am scared if i close my eyes they will 'get me'. i hear thing to, see things ( people in a room watching me) think there is bugs under my skin biting me and eating all my blood. i know it sounds stupid. and when i think about it now i think how can that be real but at the time it seems really scary.

    as one of the posters above me said it could just be a strong imagination but it could also be something serious. so if it is really bothering you consult a professional

  • Love Panda
    17 years ago

    "PTSD that is where sumtink traumatic in ur life happened and ur trying to block it out"

    yeah-i definatly have that.

    "think there is bugs under my skin biting me and eating all my blood. i know it sounds stupid."

    i sometimes think there are bugs on me or in my bed, sometimes when im in bed i see something which i cant really describe on my ceilling (SP) that scares me really bad and i cant move im scared it will get me and i cant speak im that scared i kind of just hide in my duvet-peeping out every so often to see if its still there..

    and as for the stupid thing-thats why i postd on here and didnt tell anyone, because it sounds stupid, and when your thinking about choice words when telling someone it sounds even more stupid so you dont.

    october xx

  • my name is Llama
    17 years ago

    lol yea. sorri

    yeh i have PTSD aswell. wot otha symptoms do u get with it

    my paranoid thoughts are actually gettin in the way off my life at the moment.

    my brother told me he hated me yesterday night. and it's all because i keep getting angry with him because i think he is going 2 hurt me or do sumtink bad to me or he is talking about me behind my back.

    but the problem with PTSD is usually medication can't always help. you relli need 2 go through something like CBT so you can understand and move off from woteva caused the PTSD

    if u get my flow

  • Love Panda
    17 years ago


    please just pretend for one second i dont know anything about theese...can you explain further??

    october xx

  • my name is Llama
    17 years ago

    sorri. well PTSD stands for post traumatic stress disorder and it is when something traumatic has happened or is happening in your life. like a family friend dying, a bad car accident, abuse, war etc CBT stands for cognitive behavioural therapy. it is a type of therapy used by psychologists. it is used alot on people who don't want to take medication or medication wont work. but it is also used in conjunction with it. CBT would help with having something like PTSD because usually the way to let some of these scary and sometimes paranoid thoughts go away you need to tackle the problem and help the person deal with it and than usually the wot could be considered 'abnormal' thoughts will go away or atleast hardly every be around at all. but this is only if we presume that the person has PTSD and not something else like psychosis or schizophrenia which can't be helped with CBT. I suggest that if there has been some sort of trauma in your life and you think that what is happening to you might be related to that. than I strongly suggest you go to a doctor and ask you to refer you on to a psychologist who you can talk about this with and maybe discuss trying CBT. you could also try medication but you might find that it doesn't help that much if what you have is PTSD and not a psychotic disorder. what medication may do though is help you sleep at night and try and take away bad dreams or flashbacks. it could also relieve some stress because alot of the times without knowing it. these 'things' appear because you are probably stressed.

    but i also agree with the poster above me.

    i'm sorri if i didn't explain it well or you couldn't understand it but yeh just ask questions if you want.

  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    17 years ago

    maybe your psychic.

    or like the kid from 6th sense.

    sorry.but i have no real xplanatiopn. i kinda go through the same things..