How is the relationship about you and your best friend(s)?? I wa

  • TheWorldFellNUWerentThere
    18 years ago

    My best friends Betty and Brandy know alot about what goes on inside of me. They can just like look at me and say their's something wrong, so tell me! And I can even look at them and see one thing wrong in their eyes and just know something happened or somethings bothering them. I know we sometimes fight but in the end we know that we really would hate to have those 12 years go by and waste it all. We even talk about moving in with eachother with our boyfriends or husbands in later years. We've always been there for eachother and every time I'm with them I learn a new part of me that I could never see by myself and I learn how to be a better person and friends to them.

    They mean alot to me, and I'd do anything for them and my family, aslong as I know their safe. I stick up for my best friends. Even though we had a huge fight that lasted 6 months or so, we became closer then ever. I don't think anyone could replace my best friend Betty.. EVER!!!