*** Mental/ Psychological Walls ***

  • swill
    17 years ago

    I have a difficult complicated girlfriend. Or so i thought. Its either that shes complicated, or that im ignorant. the truth is that I'm ignorant.

    I dont know why. Since about a month...she has been completely indifferent. Shes been trying to distance herself from me...after having already distanced herself from the rest of the world.

    Let me first assure you that it does not have anything to do with any factors that affect relationship. It is purely a psychological problem.

    Okay..so shes cut off. Her msn nicknames range from "hide" "dormant", to "i dont want the world to see me cause i dont think that they'l understand!"
    She tells me shes comfy when shes "dormant". she doesnt like being with people any more.

    She tells me that i never understand anything. (I'm trying to give you as much info as i can fathom)
    She has come in from a different surrounding and is finding it hard to adjust to a new environment. Though i dont think thats the reason.

    I try to be there for her...but when i told her I'll be there...she said...the point is that you arnt...

    I'm really confused as to what to do. I dont know what going on and I dont know what is wrong with her.

    When i ask her about it...she says she cant explain...shes not good at expressing herseklf and thats her shortcoming..thats wat she says...

    Does all of this have anything to do with mental walls? What exactly ARE mental walls?
    How can I break them? Should I break them?
    How can be there for her...how can i stick around for her?? How should I contribute and help to her being better....could what i do, have a backfire effect??

    dont like to see her sad...I hate it...
    She doesnt even tell me any of her emotions any more...

    She says "youre so sucked in ur own emotions u fail to see the world around u"

    I really dont know what to do.
    She wont tell me a thing about the problem.
    I'm trying hard as hell to figure it out...
    Can you help me to???

    Thank you for spending time to read my problem.

  • dark blue eyes
    17 years ago

    hmmm, well im not really an expert on mental walls but it could be depression
    if it gets worse, she may need professional help

  • Carrotgirl
    17 years ago

    I agree if nothing matters anymore then depression sounds like the cause.