Am I doing the right thing?

  • TheWorldFellNUWerentThere
    18 years ago

    Okay, my best friend Jennifer online boyfriend is wanting to come up in March, (he lives in Texas) and see her. I told her not to go alone and take people she can trust and keep them close to her. So she said she decided to take me (strongest one out of all the poeple shes taking), her and my best friend Crystal, our other best friend Bethany.

    The thing is that, theres this guy coming from Rhode Island thats coming to see me in April and I asked her if we really want to meet these guys then we could go together and still bring Crystal and Bethany with us in April. Jenny said she'd ask him, and we also decided that April will be better then March because in March we may still be getting more snow then we would in April and April is closer to end of the school year.

    Do you think I'm doing the right thing by going with my best friend to meet her bf?

  • BrokenREALiTy
    18 years ago

    Online boyfriend as in they`ve never met before ? I wouldn`t even meet with the guy, but if she`s going to do that and you don`t want to or can`t stop her, then you and a few other people should go with her . It`s dangerous .

  • TheWorldFellNUWerentThere
    18 years ago

    I've already said that me and a few other girls that Jenny picked are going with her.