Taking the time to vote

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Hi Jakie, I had a look at that poem and a few others, you're really good. Keep it up.

    I like how you wrote 'satify you' I give it grades for content, well written and all. Personally i don't find those poems funnys but nonetheless excellent poem.

    I read Amanda, that was really good its really sad. I've never really lost anyone in a drink and drive accident before. But i lost my girlfriend of five years this year. And this poem reminded me of her funeral. I could practically picture myself there again. So yeah, it kind of got to me.

    Well i already mentioned your 'to my daughter' poem, in the 'intrested in conversation' thread I like that poem too, very creative.

    Hope you don't mind that I decided to just comment on those poems on here instead of on the actual poems, its just easier this way. and yes i did vote for them if you wanted to know.

    Well thats all i wanted to say, you're really talented, maybe you're right, your poetry get better with age.

    Well bye bye


  • AI
    21 years ago

    *I'm sorry i've been spelling your name wrong the whole time.

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Nah i wouldn't change the category. From the comments i saw on it, alot of people thought it was funny. There are alot of poems on that topic in funny poems as well, and everyone find them funny. Maybe I just don't have a sense of humour.

  • AI
    21 years ago

    I'm studying computer system and software engineer in University. Just trying to get into retail for now (part time job to build up a retail background). But something IT in the future would be great. What do you and your fiance do?

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Cool a hairdresser... does your fiance let you play around with his hair. lol And the house, my parents recently planed to construct a house too, They want to live in their dream house all alone. So they’re just waiting for my little brother to move out first. lol. I moved out about two years ago I live in this apartment close to the city, I chose the location because it was close to central city, and it made transport to the university more convenient. At the moment, my brothers overjoyed with the idea, since he hates at home. But I think he want to move in with me, which I’m not too thrilled about. Anyway did you go to an architect and design the house yourself or was it something your saw in a catalog?

  • AI
    21 years ago

    I don't know if i'm going to let my brother move in with me. At the moment i live in 5 room apartment, just has a bedroom, joint bathroom/toilet, laundry, kitchen and living room. The kitchen and living room, is pretty much one big room, seperated by a small counter. lol, so its not really big enough. So at the moment, i'm very hesitant, but if he really wants to, i'd probably look for a bigger place first.

    Your house sounds really beautiful, I want to live there now. :( lol. It also sounds really big. lol How much is all that costing you? My parents are just looking for a block of land big enough to constuct their home at the moment. They haven't planned it to my knowledge, just have a rough idea how big its going to be. I think my parents are going to move further out of town to find a block large enough, and when they do find it, they'll start work on the plans and stuff. Hopefully in that time my brother know what's going to happen with him.

    TTYL- AI

    ps. lol, i really thought you were cousins. lol

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Hi Jackie, My brothers 16. lol, school holiday has made me brain dead or something, I seriously can't think of anything to write anymore. lol As for letting my brother move in with me, I'll do it for the parents, if they want t to live alone, I can deal with that. and even though I find my brother really annoying, it doesn't matter too much, I'm not usually at home, so I wont have to put up with it. As long as he doesn't mess up the house i'm happy. See I have uni in the morning, work in the afternoon, and whatever spare time I have, i try to maintain a social life. I eat at cafes, so really, the only time i'm hope is when i'm sleep. Just rencently i'm in school holiday, so from the time i wake up to around 5 in the afternoon, i got nothing to do.

    Hope everything goes well with the house. You seem to have your life together too, you're only 23 getting married to someone you love, have a child, livining in a mansion. lol. Though for some reasons 250,000 seems very low, most houses around where i live are more expensive, but then you're constructing not buying so I don't know.

  • AI
    21 years ago

    LOL noticed how off topic we are.

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Well if i ignore the questions about my love life, the only other thing in I can answer is 'Now let's hear more about you' lol. like that really helps, I have no idea what to talk about anymore. lol

    One more thing, is that all you're going to tell me about yourself? Thats you live in a small half a million dollar villa or palace, that you want more children and marrying the guy of your dreams. Well I could have guessed that much. lol, The only thing that would never have crossed my mind is your daughter father. So lets hear more shall we. :P lol


    *You seem to be making a habit of typing let(s) without the 't'. lol

  • AI
    21 years ago

    Ow yeah not to forget that you said you're an internet junkie. lol


  • AI
    21 years ago

    Hi Jackie, Yes we seem to have a little own chat going on. :). I'm not sure what to talk about right now, so if you want to know something just ask, and well if i think its apprpiate i'll be sure to answer, if not i'll just ignore it. lol.

    Anyway you seem to be engaging in that abortion thread, strangely i've never actually thought about it before. Though i do have my thoughts, i'll keep it to myself. lol.

    Well i'm sure you already know i'm leaving tomorrow morning, so i might be gone for a while, but anyway, we'll see what happens. ttyl.
