four seasons

  • PS
    17 years ago

    simply put... a poem that is about the seasons and includes all four

    relatively short please

    that pretty much it. this'll end at 10 poems or until i decide to stop it. probably about a week at longest.

    get to it.

  • ♥ ßïŦŦëŊ
    17 years ago

    Four Seasons

    Spring with all it's galore
    With spring flower forever more
    Turns into Summer heat
    Burning at our feet
    Which comes to Fall
    And all the leave fall of the tall
    Trees; And this brings us to the end
    Which is Winter and as it tends
    To get cold
    We still love the snow!

    x-paige much EMO love

  • ♥ ßïŦŦëŊ
    17 years ago

    I'm #1!

  • Avrii Monrielle
    17 years ago



    "Changing Seasons"

    Eternal bliss falls
    Snow drops like powdered sugar
    Then melts to flowers

    Flowers warm, making
    Room for the lakes to swim in
    Suddenly, leaves fly

  • Rachel RTVW
    17 years ago

    "Witness to all Seasons"

    Icey waters standing still,
    In the air there's quite a chill.
    Snowflakes dancing down to earth,
    Witness to a winter's birth.

    When spring is here the flowers bloom,
    Thunderous skies show their gloom.
    Raindrops come to nurture life,
    Witness to a Spring of strife.

    Summer arrives, it's steamy hot,
    The swimming pool's a favorite spot.
    Outside fun, a lot to play,
    Witness to a summer's day.

    Autumn brings an array of color,
    This is the season like no other.
    Long walks, with lots to see
    Witness to all seasons, you and me

  • Tammie
    17 years ago

    Alright, well you didn't say that it had to be a new one, and I have an old poem about the seasons so here it is. If you did want a new one, then just don't count mine, sorry.

    The Four Seasons [Haiku's]
    By Tammie ♥

    Leaves fall silently
    Floating to the earth below
    Autumn's dying days

    Cold bodies crave warmth
    Chilled winds send shivers down spines
    Dull, Lifeless winter

    Plants wake from their death
    Growing leaves, blooming flowers
    Spring's filled with new life

    Long, hot, happy days
    The peak of the four seasons'
    Summer's cheerful glow.


    Haiku is an unrhymed Japanese verse consisting of three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables (5, 7, 5). Haiku is usually written in the present tense and focuses on nature.

  • Gem
    17 years ago

    Xx Seasonal Cinquains xX

    Spring time
    A time for love
    The sun is coming out
    To say hello to a new year
    New start

    Its heating up
    The sun is sizzling
    Everyone is enjoying it

    Leaves start to fall
    A chill starts to creep in
    Animals begin to prepare
    To sleep

    The snow is here
    Creating white blankets
    It's now a winter wonderland
    For now... ©


    (Cinquain - Cinquain is a short, usually unrhymed poem consisting of twenty-two syllables distributed as 2, 4, 6, 8, 2, in five lines. It was developed by the Imagist poet, Adelaide Crapsey)

  • Bryan
    17 years ago

    Seasons (Quadrople Haiku)
    by Bryan

    Summer's gone as fast
    as Winter's fall, we dream of
    Spring, now Autumn calls.

    The tides change but the seasons
    stay the same, and now
    they're gone as fast as they came.

    So we're left with this
    season, destiny calls and
    their is no reason.

    For the weather will change our
    hearts, then the seasons
    will come and tear it apart.

    i was bored and figured it cant hurt.

    Bryan Hunt © 2006

  • PS
    17 years ago

    cmon you guys only three more

  • Gem
    17 years ago

    Can we enter two if no one enters?

  • PS
    17 years ago

    sorry, but no

  • Paige
    17 years ago

    Beautiful Seasons

    Fall is where i start
    As the leaves fall down tart
    The winter chill with all it's might
    May give you such a fright
    That Spring will come back again
    And let the animals do there sin
    As summer lights the earth
    With all it's heat and rebirth
    Of it all
    Starting in Fall

    paige XD

  • PS
    17 years ago

    im slightly suspicious.

  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    17 years ago

    poonam. of what? o.O

  • Gem
    17 years ago

    What was so funny ♥ ßïŦŦëŊ??
    I was only asking to move the contest along.

  • DarkJem
    17 years ago


    Spring is here,
    nature gives a cheer.
    Plants blossom from the ground,
    seeds scatter not to be found.
    Trees grow back their leaves,
    nature sighs to their relieves.
    Winter is gone
    but not for long.
    As it will be back again next year
    then nature will disappear.
    Here is summer the sun is here,
    the sky looks so bright and clear.
    Water flies everywhere,
    without so much as a care.
    Autumn next the leaves crisp and brown,
    the trees look down with a frown.
    A year has passed
    winter has come the cycle continues
    as nature tries to run.

  • PS
    17 years ago

    im thinking that bitten and paige are the same person. which might also be what is so funny/not funny.

  • Tammie
    17 years ago

    They are the same person, or it's just a REALLY big coincidence, because if you go to their profile, they are both called paige, same name, age, location etc.

  • Tammie
    17 years ago

    When is this being judged?

  • PS
    17 years ago


    1st place: 5 comments
    2nd: 3comments
    3rd 2 comments

    fyi bitten/paige is officially disqualified.

  • PS
    17 years ago

    1st: a little bit dramatic
    2nd: rachel: witness to all seasons
    3rd: Bryan: seasons

    great job everyone, it was a tough descision