What is your favorite poem/poet of all time?

  • Rachel RTVW
    17 years ago

    What is the name of your favorite poem and/or poet? Post a link to read the poem if possible. (I am not talking about a poem from P&Q)

  • debbylyn
    17 years ago

    Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost


  • The Queen of Spades
    17 years ago

    I adore Emily Dickinson, her poetry is obscenely dark and morbid and I love it. I can't pick a favorite though...

  • Teria
    17 years ago

    I don't have a favorite poet.
    I've just started studying 'professional' poets.
    As, my teacher calls it.

    Well, I love Shakespear. Tly orginal, I know.
    But, I've like loved him since 7th grade.
    I'm in 11th now.
    And, I could NEVER pick a 'favorite' poet/poem, because there's so many in this world that deserve loads of awards, and everything. And, yeah.

    This was hard..
    I thought for about 20 minutes before I came back to answer.
    lmao. :|

  • Rachel RTVW
    17 years ago

    One of my favorite poems is Of Bronze and Blaze by Emily Dickenson. Here's the link:


  • N J Thornton
    17 years ago

    Aww girls/women are so predictable. I enjoy Miss Dickinson's work too...
    "Pain has an element of blank" is a favourite of mine.

  • Independence Forever
    17 years ago

    i'm a big fan of emily dickinson and robert frost. basically i love american poets above all.

  • Gary Jurechka
    17 years ago

    Too many to narrow down to one. But in the top ten would be these:

    Jim Carroll-Little Ode On St. Anne's Day (he also has some righteous rock cds/songs out-'People Who Died' is a classic!)

    Edgar A. Poe- Alone

    Jorie Graham

    David Berman

  • Gary Jurechka
    17 years ago

    Yeah, I like alone-I just relate to the whole tragic-romantic-loner-suffering-artist thing, though the poem does seem to end too abruptly,or should have wrapped up sooner-it seems to drift off, like it's incomplete. Still, I'll stand by it (though I did fall in love with The Raven when I first read it when younger) as my favorite Poe piece.
    Check out Jorie Graham's work if you get a chance-she is awesome(I just discovered her lately. Do a google search-she's all over the net).

  • Edward D Zurovec
    17 years ago

    My number one would be
    Henry Wadsworth Longfellow , The Skeleton in Armor
    Number two POE , The Raven

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    17 years ago


  • HansRik
    17 years ago


    John Donne, a wonderful and very imaginative poet.

    Poe has recently tickled my bones in unique ways as well.


    Pablo Neruda and G A Becquer, without doubt... they epitomised the essence love and Romanticism.

  • Gauraw Patil
    17 years ago

    My favourite poem is in Marathi language titled 'KANAA'.. It's about a man who meets his teacher after a long time, tells him that he lost his home & everything in a flood & when his teacher offers him some money, he says 'Sir, I don't want money, but I need your blessings'...

  • Iola
    17 years ago

    I believe that Einstein's words of wisdom has made him a true poet - not recognized by others.

    So I choose him, undeniably.

  • CassandraXVeronicaXONealaXLawson
    17 years ago

    I SAY THE BEST POEM AND THE MOST TRUE POEM EVER WROTE IS ON THIS LINK http://www.netpoets.com/poems/buffet/1577001.htm

  • CassandraXVeronicaXONealaXLawson
    17 years ago

    also try this poem if you or trying to get over grive for a loved 1


  • allison
    17 years ago

    i love Poe!! he is the coolest...though i like the poems that i write too. i dont have any posted, just written down on paper at home. i need to start posting some of them though...

  • silvershoes
    17 years ago

    ^ The Cure.

    That is one of my favorite songs. Well, top 30 out of about 5000-10000.

  • Catherine
    17 years ago

    Honestly, I haven't read that many great poets. Mostly it's hear. but my favorite is, I guess, Sharon Creech. Can you believe that? I absolutly LOVE her poem/book "That Dog"

  • Catherine
    17 years ago

    Oh, and there was poem in the outsiders. I don't know who wrote it or what it's called, but it's about the sunset. I loved it. He (Ponyboy) wakes up early and goes and watches the sun set, then suddenly he starts reciting a, I think, Robert frost poem.

  • sibyllene
    17 years ago

    ^^The CURE! After the first time I heard that song, it kind of got etched in my memory. I haven't listened to anything by them, really, but that song stuck.