does any one noe how to get copyrighted?

  • ~*Snow queen~*
    20 years ago

    if ne one noes how to get copyrighted please let me noe! i have been tryin to get copyrighted 4 eva!

  • ♥x__Pwincess danii//
    20 years ago

    um sorry i duno but if i find out ill tell u

  • ~*Snow queen~*
    20 years ago

    thanks much, i would apprechaite that! Umm my sn fer aims are toxicpwincess, augustsweeti09, winterswthart09, frozenlove09 so if you need to get ahold of me go ahead and im me..

  • ~*Snow queen~*
    20 years ago

    ok thanks. are they like deathy expensive?

  • ~*Snow queen~*
    20 years ago

    didnt mean to say deathly, meant to say very expensive, lol

  • ~*^*~ longing to belong ~*^*~
    20 years ago

    god i'm dumb i thought you just put one of those little c's-in-a-circle thingy' how stupid

  • ~*Snow queen~*
    20 years ago

    lol. haha. thanks peter.

  • ~*Snow queen~*
    20 years ago

    oh i didnt noe that! i just dont want ne one like well copying it you noe.

    20 years ago

    I do the c-in-a-circle-thing and it's just in case someone copy's it. Then I can whack it in their face, show them the date of publication AND my little c-in-a-circle, and go HA! TAKE THAT B***H!!

  • ~*Snow queen~*
    20 years ago


  • Atahan Tolunay
    20 years ago

    You can copyright very easy by mailing you poem to your self in an envelope with special mail delivery that dates the post. So as long as you dont open the letter with your poem inside its fairly bulletproof against jackasses that wanna rip them off. :-p
    Good luck.

  • ~*Snow queen~*
    20 years ago

    ok thanks!

  • ~*Snow queen~*
    20 years ago

    thanx everyone who helped me, if you have ne other suggestions just let me noe!