about the voting

  • emptysole
    17 years ago

    i think that we should find out who votes and what they vote you that way you wouldn't get people just going through down voting for the hell of it, i just had almost all my poems down voted wich doesnt bother me it would just be good to be told why thats all.

    thank you

  • emptysole
    17 years ago

    lol bob, but i no that most people that do this don't have poems.

  • Good Enough
    17 years ago

    i think we should no

  • emptysole
    17 years ago

    if we new who these people were, they could be reported. hmmm thats only a suggestion

  • Sherry Lynn
    17 years ago

    I THINK that the votes are tracked and they have a way of catching those who downvote poems already.


  • emptysole
    17 years ago

    it would make them more reluctant to waste their time

  • emptysole
    17 years ago

    plus we could beat them ;-]

  • Boy
    17 years ago

    yeh i think thier people name will be appeared who votes us same as they comments,

  • N J Thornton
    17 years ago

    I don't see the point of votes, they're meaningless.
    I don't use them; I only vote if asked to and don't pay attention to votes on my work.

    Having said that, as we have to tolerate them it would be nice to see who's voted on what.

  • Brittany
    17 years ago

    I think names should be placed with votes, because if they did downvote, I wouldn't necessarily say retaliation, but I'd maybe message the person and ask why...I mean, I'd like to know why they voted that way so I could improve.

  • PnQ Mod Account
    17 years ago

    Actually, I can't track voting. Janis and Dainz are the only ones that can do that. It is a process that is run when the server is updated.

  • Kevin
    17 years ago

    I think there are enough complaints about poetry comment that are actually not offensive already, without adding complaints about ratings.

    If I had a dime for every needless poetry coment complaint that was actually about a comment which was critical but informed and meant to be constructive, well honey I'd be a rich man.

    The ratings system is a joke. A numerical value to a poem!...ha!...who ever heard of such a thing!

  • Kevin
    17 years ago

    Bettafish, quit the little man young man crap, I'll take twice what you've had and still run a mile and then tickle you into obscurity.

    Thin ice lass, thin ice.

    The reason poems should never be rated to a numerical value, on this site at least is because to do that you have to have a set of pre agreed criteria that have attached to them scores.

    So, two criteria could be Structure and metaphor for example. You then have a list of say 3 descriptions, like

    "The author clearly showed a strong sense of structure and flow throughout the entire piece"


    "The author showed little understanding of the flow and structure of the poem"

    You would use these descriptions to assign some kind of mark, or rating...but even then it's flawed because it's based on what the reader understands about each section. Simply put, if you know nothing about structure and flow in a poem, how can you judge it in another poem?

    The ratings system should go....I say boycott it, and Mods could refuse to discuss issues with it...I don't think any of the Mods actually like it but they have to deal with lots of complaints etc about it.

  • Kristina
    17 years ago

    I think names should be with votes, cause a lot of the time someone says 5/5 but then give you like a 3 or 4