New Contest =]

  • Teria
    17 years ago

    I am.
    Aren't I always though. :]

    I like the idea.

  • Michelle18
    17 years ago

    ok i will have my poem done soon.

  • Synh
    17 years ago

    This sounds interesting. I'll give it a try :)

  • Mark
    17 years ago

    Title: The distance between us
    By: Mark

    Familiar you seem
    in the dust of light
    so long distance
    though still in my sight

    my self centered mind
    binds me to the ground
    can't move, can't reach you
    my mind and my body is bound

    Running in circles
    out of order
    my way is gone
    around me disorder

    sounds scared
    sounds mad
    feeling anger
    feeling sad

    Familiar you seem
    in the dust of light
    so long distance
    unwrapped I might

    getting behind
    distance now too long
    I have no chance
    for remembering our song

    the song of faith and destiny
    sadness is here
    giving up
    cause the other road is full of fear

    Distance in the new road
    is only one breath
    though not a better road
    the road for my own painful death

    It's a bit hard to see, but this is a poem made for you to see the choice between yourself and another person.
    I surdently hope, that it is good enough, thanks...
    (Btw. A bit old. 2 months)


  • ellewen
    17 years ago

    My heart is torn in two
    And yet by who'm?

    One who realizes my dreams
    and another who is the ride
    so it seems

    So different
    you cannot compare
    And yet who am I to dare?

    One independent standing tall and strong
    the other who teams, so its easy to get along
    Would it be wrong to share?

    As they keep on ripping my heart in two
    Making me choose is the last thing
    I would like them to do

    So now im hopelessly
    bleeding out these lies
    looking for words to say

    Touching me as you say good bye
    and you looking at me with those sad eyes
    For me to choose is to lie again

    There isnt a one I love more
    There isnt one I don't adore
    so tell me where do u store my heart?

    I need it back together
    for you both deserve more then me
    and no this is not a trick

    Just be happy and move on
    For there isn't a place where i belong
    I'm just going to live my life and be strong

  • Lauren Waszkiewicz
    17 years ago

    i am reeeeeeeeeeeeally begging you to extend the deadline.

    -gets on knees and grovels-

    Me and yellowfeverlime(Stephen) are doing a collab. and with your(and his permission) i would really like to enter it. .. but we're not done. =[

    Puuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrdy please?

  • Avrii Monrielle
    17 years ago

    yes ^-~ more time! okay... i'll give it a go.

  • Avrii Monrielle
    17 years ago

    Toys Can't Talk


    As I stand here, on the porch
    Ringing the busted doorbell
    Nobody seems at home
    Because it is a burnt hell

    Lean to deal
    Learn to feel
    Be emotionally bent
    And emotionally heal

    Oh, darling, my eyes
    Look up to no one
    For I am the toy
    For such a boy

    I scream, I cry, I laugh
    I pout, I smile, I shout
    Am I your love, or a slave?
    A princess to you, my knave?

    Do you play with other girls
    In a certain way
    That doesn't accociate
    With games like pattycake?

    I know this might hurt...
    But you'll have to learn to share
    I'm getting rather bored
    And you don't seem to care

    If I do the same to you,
    Like a doll, you seem to
    Kiss my hair, touch my cheek
    And beat me to the ground

    Like any toy, when you get bored,
    And your friends ask for it,
    You loan it; for a while
    And when they're tired, they give it away

    I wouldn't call it love,
    I'd call it being used
    But then again, toys can't talk
    No batteries, you're out of luck