Excuse Me.

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    17 years ago

    I posted a poem and it didn't show up. It said the poem was 'deleted'.
    Explain me this?
    I took out any profanity it had and it still fails to show up. Why?


  • Italian Stallion
    17 years ago

    What category was it? Also, how did you post it? did you copy and paste?

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    17 years ago

    Thank you for answering quickly, dear.

    It was in the 'sad' category and didn't work, so I tried the explicit section and it still didn't work. I even edited out all possible 'profane' words.

    I did not copy and paste, I typed it in, like I always do...

    Anything? =s I tried a testing poem, and it posted that.. But, not this one poem. I'm very confused..

    And I just tried putting it in the 'slang' section as well and it's [still] not posting. I posted two other poems today, but this one just refuses.. Why? I don't understand.


  • Italian Stallion
    17 years ago

    Please send the poem to me via the private message button on my profile, I will take a look at it, and see if I can explain why.

    Ciao, Joe

  • Italian Stallion
    17 years ago

    Thank you for the info, I will look into it, but I am sure everything will be back to normal soon.

    Peace, Joe

  • Boy
    17 years ago

    i hope so..