alright this ones a lil differents

  • tryinXtoXholdXmyXheadXup
    17 years ago

    i am looking at writing a poem but i want it on something wierd. thjere are three things i need from you
    *a title
    **a subject
    ***I want NO poems

    i will give the best idea 10 comments or votes or 5 of each

  • tryinXtoXholdXmyXheadXup
    17 years ago

    either will work i've written both

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    17 years ago

    No poems? What is it suppoed to be, then?
    You said "I'm thinking about writing a POEM"


  • tryinXtoXholdXmyXheadXup
    17 years ago

    i dont want your poems i am trying to start writting in different styles out of the bubble like wierd stuffi what the wierdest title and theme thats my contest

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    17 years ago

    A written play?
    I have something weird that you might like, but it's very long.
    Would that do?

  • tryinXtoXholdXmyXheadXup
    17 years ago

    send it to me via p.m. and i will take a look at it and let you know. well just cause you asked it will work so send it to me via p.m thanks for your patience

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    17 years ago

    Well, thank you for clearing that up, Brit.
    And knowing that, I won't do it.
    My ideas are my own; I'm very selfish.


  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    17 years ago

    A suggestion?
    Take two objects you see, like the sun and moon, and incorporate them together in an interesting story. That's what I usually do and I've [if I may flatter myself] had a few very good ideas.
    Listen to songs and try to build a poem off the meaning of the song.

    Just a few ideas. I wish you well, Brit.


  • Turtle
    17 years ago

    An approach sometimes used in design is taking something you see and remaking it as closely as possible to the original. Then you expand your design from there and make everything else your own and eventually the orginal thing that you liked will either be erased or changed into something completely different. Try it with poetry. Take a one liner from another poem or song that really inspires you and work from there. You don't even have to keep it in the poem (which I highly recommend against anyway). Maybe just use it as a theme, story line, make it an entire stanza, rewrite it ten times and take the best one and then use it, or whatever.