• Princess
    17 years ago

    why do teenagers take drugs more and more nowadays? should this be approved?

  • my name is Llama
    17 years ago

    britt i believe you. alot of the presciption drugs given to kids these days are really dangerous and the effects are tremedous. while i was in hospital the amount of people i saw that looked complete out of it. or they would go manic from a reaction to medication. or would dribble, lots of stuff happened as a result of meds. the thing is though alot of these kids as young as 7 didn't have a choice as to whether they wanted to take certain med's they were literally made to. it's very sad.

  • SomewhereAmongThePieces
    17 years ago


  • SomewhereAmongThePieces
    17 years ago

    My doctor put me on anti-depressants because I couldn't concentrate in class.
    Some people shouldn't be doctors.

  • Juls
    17 years ago

    i was on anti depressants for awhile like Britt I didnt talk to anyone. I went a month speaking to nobody, I felt more depressed than I was before.

    Doctors give teenagers anti-depressants like they are candy. its messed up

  • Lyla
    17 years ago

    But anti-depressants do help some teenagers. I do agree they should be more careful when giving them out however they can help.

  • my name is Llama
    17 years ago

    i was put on antiddepressants when i was 16 too. i reacted to it and went totally manic. i was jumping off walls kicking doors and people i was on a constant high, couldn't keep still that drug schized me out so badly. they than took me off that medication and put me on a even stronger on that would calm the mania. instead in made me gain 15kg (which is ALOT) anyway because they had given me a dangerous drug that turned me manic they than had to give me more very dangerous drugs to calm me down. because i was so out of control i had to be sedated heavily and restrained by nurses and security guards while i was in hospital. they would usally put you into a seclusion room, pin you down and stick 1 or 2 needles in your bum. it would HURT. so don't even get me started on the effects they had on me. if drugs can be avoided they should. they are handed out like tic tacs these days and are using too strong a types on too young a children.

  • Ashley
    17 years ago

    People have to remember that certain medications will affect other people differently. I know someone who takes anti depressants and it works and they need it. I also know someone else who takes them and it fucked her up worse and she stopped.

    If you're talking about illegal drugs like weed and what not then no it shouldn't be approved. There is a reason why it is illegal and should stay that way.

  • ryeann
    17 years ago

    yeah, i got into that stuff for awhile, and it really massed me up, i saw when i was done with that sh*t, i wish there was some way i could tell every1 how much it scerws u up! that was a feeling i never want to go back to ever, ever agian,its just that when when i was doing them, i felt so happy, i had no problems, everything was right, and thats one of the main reasons teens do them, it was why i did them also. im so glad im done with it

  • Natalie84
    17 years ago

    Should it be approved? LMFAO What a dumb question.

    I peronally believe kids do drugs to fit in and / or escape reality. Stupid reason, eh?

    As far as perscription drugs...I think they are prescribed to mentally make people think they are better...when in turn these drugs are only hurting them. My mother told her doctor she was "depressed" and they prescribed her with medicine that are made her go crazy! Literally!! My mother belongs in a looney bin. She got it because she said she was depressed and asked for it. Without question her doc wrote it up for her. Silly, isn't it.

    My five year old cousin was prescriped ridolin (is that how you spell it) Anyhoo...his mother refused to put it on him because his problem was only that he needed one on one attention at school and at home. He's getting that and doing GREAT.

    I have a half brother who at the time was about 8 or 9. His doctor gave him ridolin and he stopped playing. He was sad all the time and would NOT even go outside to do his favorite things with his brother. Mind you he and his brother played out side EVERY DAY up until he started taking the medicine. My father and his wife didn't like how it affected him so they took him off it and he has since been doing great. With a little EXTRA attention he's doing awesome!

    It's all a lie...an excuse to make some money! Our government sucks and kids who do illegall drugs SUCK too!

  • Jenna
    17 years ago

    i've done drugs...the illeagal kind and i do, take prescription drugs too...for me its self-medicating...and all my friends do both kinda drugs too...i don't care if you don't understand but ppl do these kinda things for reasons lots of ppl wouldn't understand...im not saying what im doing is right but before you bad talk ppl who do these things you should hear their "story". yeah i coulda said no...but the time i decided to do this kinda stuff i didn't care about what happened to me...i wanted to stop feeling so much pain and not care and be happy at the same time...

    Undercover Angel

  • ryeann
    17 years ago

    me too, i used to do trian wreck, perple, cronic, stuff like that,but not n e more, it was like i was sooo happy, and the only reason i did them was to just be happy for a change, just this once, i got really adicted to it, but saw what it could do to me, n now i hate that shit ....

  • Rheingold
    17 years ago

    Drugs are fun and games at first.

    After that, things just get ridiculous. Especially with illicit drugs. They take their tole fast.

  • Edward D Zurovec
    17 years ago

    All illicit drug use should stop. Some may smoke alittle weed with no problem, most progress to the harder stuff..cocaine,meth,scripts,heroin etc.etc.
    Who knows who will progress,dont take the chance and find it be yourself. JUST SAY NO!!!!!!!!!!

    Flirt with the Devil
    he'll give you roses, red
    Fading the high to nettles
    thorning your hearts death

  • my name is Llama
    17 years ago

    i will tell u a story. it was just on the news lately where i live. there was this girl and her best friend they went to the sonic youth concert that was on saturday and they ook ecstacy. well i know them. and one of the girls died and her best friend is now being charged with possesion of illict drugs and may be getting charged with manslaughter. and becoz she has a criminal record now it restricts her from so much stuff. i was soo shocked when i found out. imagine waking up in hospital to no ur best friend died and u almost did becoz of a silly game. the risk involve are enormous and in the end what may made you happy will end up killing you

  • Princess
    17 years ago

    drugs should be disapproved by the society no matter what the cause is about!

  • Princess
    17 years ago

    i totally agree, i mean they should stop while they still can, because later on they wont be able to stop and they will regret it!

  • lexie
    17 years ago

    people get addicted way to easily,especially if they are trying to get away from pain.sadly,it doesn't work,it kills more and more people everyday.i can't take it anymore.
    a friend of mine just killed himself because he was addicted to drugs,its real you guys.we're all trying to stop now because of his death,we don't want to end up that way.
    but its not working at all,as a matter of fact,we're doing more because of his death.it seems like the only way out is drinking and drugs,it screws with your mind.just don't do drugs,teens are still so young.way to you to die.my friend was 19 when he killed himself.

  • Princess
    17 years ago

    yeah but you can always try to end it. i'm sure you can do it, better now than before it becomes too late!!!

  • metalhead
    17 years ago

    Im not going to pretend to be a saint, in my veiw, certain drugs are fun if you control yourself. I'm not addicted to anything, but i'll do some now and again. I suppose, these days, Its just what teenagers do. Kinda sad really, but hey, thats life.

  • Princess
    17 years ago

    yeah teenagers do take lots of drugs nowadays...thats very sad but i mean this is what every teenager has to go through although i dont really approve this

  • Startle Me
    17 years ago

    I think teenagers take more drugs now
    Is that it's illegal.
    People like to feel wild
    Taking drugs is one of them.

  • Startle Me
    17 years ago

    Drugs will just kill you.
    the end.

  • Princess
    17 years ago


  • The Queen of Spades
    17 years ago

    haha "drugs will just kill you"...you would be so surprised.

  • xXxAngelEyes007xXx
    17 years ago


  • Princess
    17 years ago

    good answer

  • Avrii Monrielle
    17 years ago

    U can buy them even if ur under 18! OTC!

    omg... i think I got high for the first time... I was all mad because I took 90 cough drops in 4 days... my mom wouldn't let me take real medicine.

    Now I'm taking robitussin + benadryl (so easy to get without ID)

    ........I say teens get meds if they need them, and even if their parents say they can't have meds when they're honestly sick, they can have meds!

    but they shouldn't be allowed to buy them without an ID! This is a horrible system!

    And it's so easy to steal drugs from my family... they all have prescriptions... diabetes, anemia... allergies....

    so easy... they should make it a law that teens cannot buy drugs w/o permission from the parent! yet they should take drugs if they really need it, and their parents say they must get over it 'naturally'.

    basically, allowed if ur honestly sick. Not if ur just lying for the cough drops!

    I was so madd...


    heh.. sorry if this doesn't make sense.

  • Avrii Monrielle
    17 years ago

    we take more drugs because it's legal to buy OTC's!

  • my name is Llama
    17 years ago

    i used to be able to take what eva medication from my parents (coz they had all different stuff) and now every type of medication is locked up in a safe that i cannot get to. Really i don't see the point a few months ago i just walked into the supermark and bought 4 packets of panadol and no one said a thing. really they should inforce an id system

  • silvershoes
    17 years ago


  • Princess
    17 years ago

    it's more common nowadays to see teenagers taking drugs just because it's the thing everyone does and i personally believe it is very wrong. at my school, no one take drugs but still on the streets and in other schools...it's horrible

  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    17 years ago



  • tIrEd BoY wItH wIrEd EyEs
    17 years ago

    Ok i have had many friends OD on over and under the counter drugs some have died. i do drugs but i do them to level me out not to be cool or to do it cuz its there. ppl who od or die or just abuse them are not cool there retarded. but like many of u said the availablity of drugs is huge i go to a los angeles public school and ppl sell right in the halls in class someeven to teachers. which also means that not only teens do drugs many of my friends and mine dads moms do drugs so childhood is an important factor to plat i was never told to not do them so i think the more u inforce them the better a kid is goin to be.


  • Princess
    17 years ago

    Yeah but David you know the consequences of drugs and you are pretty much aware of things then why dont you try to stop taking drugs... i know it's probably going to be hard but better now than after.

  • FallenGrace
    17 years ago

    Beacause theyre vary unhappy with their lives and drugs make you feel oh sooooooooooooooo good aahhhhhhhhhhhh