how do i write a love poem with out making it sound cheesy?

  • im ur AdDiCtiOn
    17 years ago

    im hvaing trouble writing a love poem im getting stuck becuase it sounds cheesy can you please help me and give me new ideas please

  • Gem
    17 years ago

    Embrace the cheese =)

    Just write from your heart. That's where you'll get the best emotion.

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    17 years ago

    if you are a writer, and you can't write a love poem about someone who you are deeply (unless you are a pessimist), head-over-heels in love with, take it as a hint that maybe the two of you do not belong together.
    After all, poetry is one of the most heart felt expressions, and what is more true than what can (or can't) come out of your heart.

    Even if a poem is cheesy, the person you give it to should appreciate it just BECAUSE it came from your heart.
    Remember, not perfection but honesty is the key to a relationship.
    Make the poem as cheesy as you want (make sure it is swiss cheese though)

    ~stephen white

  • poetry man
    17 years ago

    i write it form my experiences what i am going through what i feel what i say and what i do that always works for me

  • xo kisses xo
    17 years ago

    write about how u truely feel. look deep inside and get as real as you can!

  • silvershoes
    17 years ago

    I'm going to have to agree with Bobby boy on this one. Essentially all love poems are cheesy. Try not to be cliche, and that's about all you can accomplish.

  • NuovoVesuvio
    17 years ago

    'all love poetry is cheesy'

    I beg to differ. Writing poetry for my girl friend is a very interesting and enigmatic endeavour; but out of all the poems I have written for her, I have written not one that is cheesy. I don't believe I have many submitted here, but you can check them out if you think it'll help you.

  • Drusus Bathory
    17 years ago

    It is often hard to decide what is and isn't cheesy anyway. Something normal to most would almost certainly be cheesy to me. So like most people say write from the heart and most importantly, why do you care what people think? Be it friends, family, people in general or worst of all people on internet forums don't listen to them and write the way you want to.

    I don't even listen to me anymore.

  • RunningOnEmpty
    17 years ago

    So, have you written the poem yet? I'm sure everyone, not just me, is rhetorically dying to read it, corny or not. We wait for your response!

  • RunningOnEmpty
    17 years ago

    So, have you written the poem yet? I'm sure everyone, not just me, is rhetorically dying to read it, corny or not. We wait for your response!

  • Jason
    17 years ago


    Don't use the word soul or love

    UNLESS you are going to try and define or explain them and even has to be really good or it will sound contrived for many of the reasons already expressed i.e. it's been done soooo many times before but for a much more important reason...nobody really understands either of them well enough to use them as a vehicle to express an emotion

    Talk from the heart is good advice and I agree...don't just spill ur guts on the page though because that would not be poetry it would be a profession of love

    AND try and avoid simple rythms assocated with "cheese"

    So I have to warn you I am not a poet but I do know cheese when I see it and I thought this was the type of advice you were looking for

    good luck

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    17 years ago

    Dear, the best love poems are ones that you can look back on years later and laugh at! Write the poem that comes from your heart, corny or not, and give it to him! The relationship that has something to laugh about will last the longest!

  • Startle Me
    17 years ago

    I believe that every love poem is cheesy.
    That's what makes it fun to read.

  • Stephanie
    17 years ago

    I think in order to write a love poem that doesn't sound cheesy you have to dig deep. You just have to dig down in and see what you come up with. If you think it's cheesy then start over until your happy with it.

  • Lori Lee
    17 years ago

    Just don't use the word honey

  • homebound
    17 years ago

    If you are writing a love poem you just have to be yourself or how it really happened or as real as possible. Today in life love can be cheesy but also it isnt...

  • Bryan
    17 years ago

    To write a love poem you must feel the emotion for someone.

  • JodiieBaybeh
    17 years ago

    I agree with gemz and britt if it comes from the heart then it wont be cheasy a

    nd if it is cheasy then so what?!?! its UR FEELING let it show !! ..x:)

  • Steven Beesley
    17 years ago

    Have some pickled onions and crackers with the Cheese LOL!

    Just let it rip and let it flow.

  • The Angel of Secrets
    17 years ago

    Yeah. Use good lanuage and socalled big words

    17 years ago

    As long as it's how you really feel in your heart, it won't be cheesy. You just have to write how you truely feel.

  • bRiNgMeToLiFe
    17 years ago

    Yes,write from the heart. Don't try to "jazz" it up by using big words and a bunch of adjectives. Just write it how it comes and it'll be fine.

  • Tessa
    17 years ago

    Everyone seems to be saying the same thing...and i agree. Your poem will sound great if you say it..or write it from the heart. Don't try to sound like anyone else. Just be you!

  • lovedxlost
    17 years ago

    Yep, i agree too. Just let it all out and write what you are thinking, and what you're feeling. Read it over afterwards and you can change any reeallly cheesy bits.... but yeah love poems are just cheesy!!! :P

  • Brittney
    17 years ago

    Gem is right. You have to write from your heart. Even if you have a rocky start just focus your energy on your work everything will start to flow together. Afterwards things may need change but that can wait. Don't force it. Just let out your emotions.

  • Brittany
    17 years ago

    Okay like almost everyone has said which is starting to become cheesy is write from your heart. that's where you get the best emotions from because they are real.
    if you're writing about the person you care about it can't be cheesy or cliche because that's impossible. Your love and experiences are yours. people may know what you mean, but they can never know exactly how you feel. that's what make every relationship unique. therefore if your writing specifically about the person or to them it will be unique and special no matter how many other poems may say something similar. do you see what i mean about it being impossible for it to be cheesy?
    if you're writing a love poem just to write one then it may seem cheesy and not right. theres nothing real to it and your taking it from other people and likei said can't know exactly how they feel. so it just doesn't come out right.
    i also said this in another discussion, but use something concrete for abstract ideas. a friend used a crumpled napkin to give heartbreak a solid form. it was really interesting.

  • Mr M
    17 years ago

    Mastering the craft means rewrite after rewrite after rewrite until the poem says exactly what you feel and the way you feel it

  • xx Danii xx
    17 years ago

    Love poetry is suppose to be cheesy lol all love films, poetry is. its because thats what love is, love makes ya do things ya wud never dream of doing and i like cheesy love poems because i understand how much ya love that person and how you felt for them. love isnt serious, so why write a love poem seriously when in reality it isnt like that!!! if your in love, write how you feel for them, express the love and cheese lol xxDaniixx

  • Alex D
    17 years ago

    Hahaha hilarious Bob

    Whats wrong with cheese? Nothing that's what!

    If it really bothers you try and write about a specific thing you love about the person or go about attempting to describe the love abstractly by comparing it to a random object that brings happiness to all.

    Oh rebecca apple of my eye song in my heart,
    Our love is like the love of a tub and its rubber ducky
    The yellowy goodness floats and pulls the bubbles apart,
    Floating and wafting, Oh so very lovely

    Lol okay well maybe not that because Thats just silly but I'm sure you can figure out a suitable object to use as a link between your love and the object

  • L0VED
    17 years ago

    I agree. All that my poems are just are words and sentence hat i think of that comes from the heart