18 years ago
Okay, I thought I should come to you guys assuming that you guys have the best advice. Okay, so my ex boyfriend that I've had dated like a years ago, then uped and left me because he had to go to this 'school' for people who had gotten in trouble. And I haven't seen in High School in a long time but today I saw him!! And I told my friends Alyssa, Crystal, Jennifer, Stephanie and Misty. Crystal is a Christian, Alyssa, Jennifer, Stephanie and Misty are labelers. Well today, I saw him and told him hi and smiled my best smile at him and was going to tell him "Happy Valentines Day" but Stephanie whisked me away and told me to NEVER talk to him because he isnt one of the 'cool' kids. I felt so bad becasue I was going to tell him but then i just dissappeared and I saw his look and he looked so hurt. But when I told them that he's back home and he's going to our High School, Stephanie spat her drink out(which was hilarious cuz it hit Betty which made it even more hilarious), Crystal, Alyssa, and Misty were all going "Ew thats so gross he better not come around us." I was SO hurt by their words because they don't give Zach a chance because he's 'fat', somewhat 'short', and because of his 'past'. Now let's get to the point. I just really wanted to tell them that it doesn't matter what happens on the outside of someone, its the inside of someone. |
18 years ago
Okay. Anyone, can you help me? |
18 years ago
WELL, you don't. Obviously they haven't got past that and matured like you have and you're just either going to have to settle for what they think of him, or get new friends; you could try telling them what they say hurts YOU as a person as well, but if they're still immature and care about their popularity status it's not likely to get through. |
18 years ago
Thanks! |
18 years ago
Can Anyone Else Help? |