Razorblade Lies
20 years ago
Last year when i was a JR. in highschool, i had sex with one of my teachers. Now he is in jail for a very long time. I feel really bad because he got blamed for it all. But in reality, i could have said no, right? all he did was ask me if I knew anyone who wanted to have bad fun?He knew i was attracted to him and I had known this guy for a while because, well he wasn't always the best teacher, her used to have parties all the time and i would always be there. the more time i spent with him, the more i was attracted. we would spen so much time together and we were really close. Now i feel so horrible bacause i put my friend in prison. His fukin neighbor lady turned him in. everyone thinks im a slut, including my parents and brother. I havent had a real conversation since the day the pigs came to my house and to me to the station. They hate me now. anyone else ever have an experience like this? |