Someone talk to me please :)

  • Jackie Bilson
    20 years ago

    I'm bored! I just had a whole week of exams...*sigh* need social interaction but all my friends are busy :) Talk to me please...

  • Allen
    20 years ago

    okay okay.... I'll talk to "me".... errr... why do I want to talk to myself?? :) sorry for that randomness ;) How are you Jackie??

  • Allen
    20 years ago

    *original text is same as above*
    hmm.... that somehow posted twice... yet another bug on the site???

  • Jackie Bilson
    20 years ago


  • Jackie Bilson
    20 years ago

    I mean, hi! Cool pic allen hee hee :)

    Have u met golden tear? he's cool. I dunno y i'm telling you this...

    LOL. My exam was scary. i was so nervous my sweathsirt was moving with my heart...maybe that was me breathing...i dunno...i guess now, you can see y i was so nervous about my science exam...:)

  • Allen
    20 years ago

    :D hehe, opps, I always thought Golden Tear was a girl... sorry dude :S Im sure you did well in the exam... ;) don't you worry :D:D:D

  • Allen
    20 years ago

    *original text same as above*
    ARRRRRRR... it did it again!!!! whats wrong with this thing???

  • vanessarrr
    20 years ago

    whoa... you have got to start to calm down, allen. clicking way too much. hi everyone! i'm bored also, so i hope you don't mind me joining in.

  • vanessarrr
    20 years ago

    lol. that was quick!

  • Allen
    20 years ago

    yaayyyy... now we have a 3-way conversation... *fingers crossed* please don't double my post.... please....

  • vanessarrr
    20 years ago

    :D i'm a jinx! you guys know that?

  • Allen
    20 years ago

    huh??? why are you a jinx?? and what is a jinx?? :S

  • vanessarrr
    20 years ago

    jinx/jynx is... umm... er... wow this is hard. i know what it means but i don't know how to explain it. ok, ready? you know when you're in a contest or something and people say "you're gonna win!" and then some say "don't jinx it." i guess it's bad luck but it's really hard to explain. lemme look it up:)

  • vanessarrr
    20 years ago says:


    n : wrynecks [syn: Jynx, genus Jynx]

    wrynecks: n

    Either of two small Old World woodpeckers (Jynx torquilla or J. ruficollis), having a sharply pointed bill and the habit of twisting the head and neck into contortions.

    See torticollis.
    A person with torticollis

    ????? lol

  • Allen
    20 years ago

    ummmm... it kinda make sense a bit... I guess... I looked it up and the dictionary says "Unlucky person or object"... hmmm... yeah... its time like this when i wish my vocab is not so limited ;) , anyway, I am going out for a run, be back in half an hour :D

  • vanessarrr
    20 years ago

    i'll be asleep by then :( g'night anyways. been fun talking with ya! :)

  • Jackie Bilson
    20 years ago

    Hi people! I'm bored and I'm tired. No more school for me! We're taking aholiday from now till the weekend!

  • vanessarrr
    20 years ago

    no more school! i'd love that:)

  • Allen
    20 years ago

    Cool!!! :) I'd love that too... I still have one more day to go, final exam tomorrow.... scary...... :S better go back and study ;)

  • vanessarrr
    20 years ago

    ahhh... 7 months to go for me...

  • Allen
    20 years ago

    arrr :).... just had dinner... yummm... time to go back to study :(.... .... and 7 months for you Victoria?? don't you guys have end of year break???

  • Allen
    20 years ago

    Hi Ma :) haven't seen you around before :) Im from NZ if the question was pointing my direction :D and hey, Im student too.... ARRRRR... my last exam today... studying my brains out... oh wait.... what brains?? had none to start with.... :S.... wish me luck!!! :D:D:D

  • Allen
    20 years ago

    ARRR... ARRR... ARRR... 30 more minutes to my exam....

  • vanessarrr
    20 years ago

    :) hello Ma, and hi to allen also!! i'm from the philippines! :D well, we have winter break and all that but i meant i still have about seven months of school till summer. how are you guys tonight?

  • YAP
    20 years ago

    Everyone exam....but i on holiday.....coz i in local university...hehe.......

  • vanessarrr
    20 years ago

    oh... i'm computer studies right now! we just taked in language arts about how some schools have 220 days of school. we only have 180 days. :)

  • Allen
    20 years ago

    YAYYYYYY!!!!! My holiday starts.... TODAY!!!!!! exams are over for the year, no more books, no more study till next year :) *burns study notes*...

  • vanessarrr
    20 years ago

    congrats!!! wow, why do you guys get off school early in the year?

  • Allen
    20 years ago

    Hehe, that's University for ya ;) We study for half the year and sleep for the other half ;)

  • Jackie Bilson
    20 years ago

    I'm ba-ack....:)

    Ugh, I'm so exhausted. I just wanna sleep but, unfortunately the festivities still don't stop till sunday...:(

    god i wanna sleep so bad. I ended up going to my ex's holiday town (the place he goes on holiday to, every single break) and next up was my ex friend( the person that made my ex an EX) 's home town. I mean, what are the odds?

    LOL. I was hoping to go on holiday to clear my head of their bullsh!t but, apparently, that wasn't gonna happen :) oh well...

  • Allen
    20 years ago

    So where did you go for holiday??... actually, don't answer that.... But what did you do on your holiday trip?? anything cool???.... LOL, now the exam's over it suddently feels so.... empty... boring... what can I do?? hehe, its a sad life :D I think I'll have to be a bit more active on job hunting :D.... you're going to those 2 towns... hmm... life is odd ;) but what can you do...

  • vanessarrr
    20 years ago

    ooohhh, i wish something would get me started. something make me feel exhausted! it's so boring in here... nothing to do at home, no one to talk to at school (if you know what i mean). boring school year...

  • Allen
    20 years ago

    Well dear Victoria, you can alway find people here to keep you entertained :) and don't be scared to get to know new people, reach out to the people at your school, maybe they are waiting for people to make the first move :)

  • Jackie Bilson
    20 years ago

    Let's see, there was driving...a lot of driving...i wasn't the one doing the driving but it was still exhausting. I'm not a person that gets carsick but omg, when we were on this steep zigzaggy road that lasted for ages, i felt like i was gonna throw up. i thought i would have to ask my dad to pullover.

    then, we saw heaps of parks...usually i would think that was insane and boring but, apparently it's kind of interesting too. It has all sorts of like, war heroes and stuff.

    what else? um, oh yeah, we went to see the seals that have come to the beach, they were kind of cute but i got too scared to come near them cuz, i didn't want them to think i was gonna take their pups. i got like, 6 metres away from one and she was all like, grr....

    so i screamed and ran off. it made me sad though. because i realised that in some countries, people would run up to them and kill them and their babies.

    ...can't really remember anything else. LOL. I was really tired through out most of it. Hopefully we can go again (maybe this time for LONGER) soon. Oh, my mom says we might go to your city next time. :)

    Might c u there! :)

  • Allen
    20 years ago

    Hey that sounds cool, I have never seen a seal face to face :) would love to tho... oh oh, I would love to see a penguen more though :) they are soooo cute :D yes I know that sounds strange coming from a guy but hey, what can I say.... I want to keep one of them in my freezer as a pet....

    You might come to my city!!! :) that's cool... to be honest... I really don't know what's cool around Auckland thats worth coming for.... :S hmm... the shops?? well, hope you find something cool here ;) when you do, let me know :D:D

  • juss an allycat
    20 years ago

    sorry 2 barge in on the convo but nz is boring and theres nothing in auckland. mayb coz i lived here my whole life but nono nz sucks balls

  • Jackie Bilson
    20 years ago

    I personally have always been a wellington kind of girl. i really didn't like AKL growing up but, it seems to be a lot more eventful than other cities and i've always wanted to go to kelly tarltons and rainbows end :)