and out of the blue...

  • emmerz
    17 years ago

    ok, well to give you the details....there was this guy i liked a few years back, and i was pretty sure he liked me too. we knew each other from school, so we saw each other all the time, but rarely talked (lol we were like 12...i got all nervous and butterflies and all that shmuck). Then i went to visit my aunt on the east coast of USA (i live on the west coast of canada), and was getting everyones emails, and i got his. while i was gone for those two months of the summer, he emailed me all the time, and we started talking alot. When we got back to school in the fall, he talked to me a bit, but we werent in any classes together so it made it harder. The emails came few and far between, and eventually i just stopped writing because i didnt like to wait around.

    That was last year, and soon after that i stopped liking him. sure, ill always wonder, but i dont like him at all like that anymore. Well, just the other day, i got an email from him (this is about a year since he emailed me last). I just went to france, so he asked how that was, and it was just general talk, but i was REALLY surprised at it. I mean, now i have no clue about him either. I have a feeling he still likes me, but im not sure at all, since he barely talks to me at school (and we have like 3 or 4 classes togeher), or at all for that matter.

    i think i know what to do, but i still want others opinions. i dont want an 'email' relationship where you have like 2 seperate lives, because i do like talking to him, but i dont want to lead him on if he thinks im interested. gaaah im confused:P

    so what do you think?


  • limp
    17 years ago

    Talk to him in person, 3-4 classes doesn't sound like too shorter time so I'm pretty sure you can catch him around sometime & if you two do hit it off you can make more of an effort to see each other.
    I think you should go for it.

  • Sherry Lynn
    17 years ago

    Maybe he was just thinking about you. It nevere hurts to have to many friends and no one said that you have to have an intimate relaltionship with him...

    Just staart out as friends and then go from there. If nothing developes then nothing is lost, but yet you have gained a new friend that you can chat with.
